bad drink

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Iris POV

I: leaving me again?

M: *chuckle* yeah yeah...leaving ya again sure

I: *chuckle* we'll see about that~

                Maxine cocks a eyebrow confused and gulps down the drink. fuck yeah this'll teach her. what are you making me do to her!?! I shake my thoughts away when she starts having trouble breathing. I can't move myself it's like i gave up my body. that's cus you did 

M: h-hey um *gag* i-iris whats i-in thi...this

I: hm?

M: i d-don't...f-feel so...*gags* g-g-good

I: don't worry Max it'll be over soon

M: w-wha...w-what *gags*

                       I watch her eyes roll back and she falls out of the chair onto the floor. The cup shatters on the floor next to her now limp body. oh God no. She doesn't HAVE to love us, we still win. I pick her up and head to the sofa laying her head on my lap. no going back now. My hand grabs my sewing needle in one and her head softly with the other. After about half way i stop. please stop please. No she deserves this. I see Maxine's open for split second then close again. Finish the job already. I sew up the rest and then move her to a chair, tying her hands behind the back of it. I kneel down and look up at her lifeless body. Her head can't hold itself up so if it wasn't for the rope she'd fall forward. I watch the blood trickle and drip down from her mouth. She cant hurt you if she cant speak...she won't hurt you anymore. I move her hair from her face to behind her ear. I lay my head on her lap with my arms under my chin. Part of me wanted this...her to be mine...but not like this-

I: now see that wasn't that hard was it?

                  No response obviously. Her skin was pale. I got up and sat on her lap to kiss her. It was strange to kiss the threads. I look down at her pants. no don't do it. Here's your chance to do it. no no no snap outta it LOOK at her. I pause for a second and look at her almost completely lifeless face. The drink only will keep her like this for so long. I lick the blood off my lips and just sit there for some time. I tilted her head up and kissed her neck and leave a hickey. i have to snap out of it! Why would i do this if I loved her? how will she love you now? NO this is fine. you call this love? what about when she wakes up? snap OUT OF IT. I shake my head and look at her. Oh my GOD. I get up and step back taking in everything i'v just done. I put my hand on her cheek. I start to cry...i can control my body again...but for how long? How could i let this happen?

I: oh God no...n-no no no

                  I didn't LET this happen...i MADE it happen. I did this. There's no one to blame but me. This is my fault. I don't know what to do.

I: w-what do i do? what do i do? i cant j-just ask for help...i did this...i c-couldn't even stop myself from hurting the ones i love. I'v gotta get out of here

                  I quickly write a note, put it on Maddie's door, and drive as fast and far as i can.

~~~~~~~~~~~3 days later~~~~~~~~~~~~

Maddie POV

                     I haven't seen Maxine in 3 days i'm worried....the mayor weirdly called off the meeting and introduced a new character instead who seems kinda cool...i pace around my room

A: hey sugar relax i'm sure it's fine

S: yeah Maddie

                   No one has any clue how but outta like no where three days ago Sam could see again, Phoenix could talk and Dante could here...i have a small hunch it all connects in a way...but how? Allie gets out from under the covers where she's been like all day and walks over to me

Mad: *chuckle*'re shirtless

A: oh so NOW that's a problem? 

Mad: ...not at all but seriously cover up...i...i wanna check something

S: i better go check on Gabrielle she's really stress

A+Mad: bye bear

S: *rolls eyes* bye sugarboo                


...FINALLY the real plot i wanted the whole time Jesus lmao we got there aha 

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