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Iris POV

        Oh i'm not feeling to good again...but i want to stay with Max

M: hey iris?...you don'y look so good...i mean like ya look great but i think like...are you hot?

I: i ...i don't know

M: hey look...mads'll understand...i'ma drive ya home

I: no max really i...*groans* oh my darn head hurts

              I get up from the bench i was on and try to walk but the world starts to spin so i stumble over to max and hold onto her to stand

M: okay that's it 

                 She lifts me up bridal style and puts me in the passenger seat of the car which yes...she drove the car for once. So her, Maddie and I could all fit

I: max i'm sorry-

M: hey no shhhh it's fine iris i care wayyyy more about my friends then the fair i mean it'll always be there and i'v gone a lot        

I: aw thanks max

M: yeah no problem

              She helps me to my front door and we walk in. I get a strange heat flash and stumble to the sofa

M: hey uh iris...i'm kinda worried okay more then kinda like...you really aren't acting normal 

I: i-i've noticed...it's been since that weird smoke

M: smoke?

I: yeah when the kitchen was smoking

M: weird...uh um how's about i stay with ya iris...like i can help out a lil

               I lay down on the sofa... its hot in here

I: no max you go 

M: i'm not going anywhere

I: *sigh*...thanks max

M: yeah...uh do you have a thermometer?

I: i don't think so

M: uh i'ma go get one from my place okay?

I: okay

                  She leaves and shuts the door...i look over at my tv which is off. It turns on

I: what in the-

?: hello iris


?: over here

                   Its coming from the tv-

?: don't worry i can't hurt you as long as i can use you...you'll make a great puppet

I: pardon my french but WHO THE FUCKING HELL ARE YOU?

?: no one you need to worry about for now...i'll get to work soon enough for now i'll just watch

                I feel something bubbling inside me and that weird black smoke forces it's way out of my mouth into my tv. It burns and feels like my throats being boiled making me cry in pain but unable to speak ...then it stops...what the fuck? 

M: hey iris i'm back 

                  I pull max down into a hug...i'm so scared

M: well gee iris i was only gone for like five minutes 

I: j-just...p-please stay

M: uh...yeah of course iris-

I: p-please stay

~~~time skip~~~

Ruby POV

            I finally get to go home but not without police literally forcing a electric monitoring system on my ankle and doing something to my door frames

P1: this'll make it where you can't leave your house until we decide you seem stable enough to do so

P2: yeah...step even a foot out and a huge amount of eletrcity will send itself thoughtout your body...it DON't feel nice at all...so ANYTHING funny and you'll get hurt

R: oh kinky~

P1: WHY I-

P2: whatever...leave her...she can't do much in here

R: anyway how long will i have to have this fucking thing on?

P1: about a month...longer if you keep this shit up

R: awww i'm sorry did my joke hurt you ego?...must be accommodating for something 

P1: refrain miss

R: awwww does someone have a itty bitty baby dick?


                  He back hands me and i fall to the floor. I quickly stand up and grab his throat

R: listen bastard...i wouldn't get me fucking mad if i were ya...now get the hell out

                  I let him go and he walks out the door looking scared...fear...i could sense it on them

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