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               My cell was in a corner the one next to me was empty but the one in front of me...

Allie: so...what cha in for?

S: *rolls eyes* even in the slammer you just cant me serious huh?

A: hey i cant really help it now can i?...besides its not like you have a sense of humor

S: says who?

A: *cocks eyebrow* i cant remember ever hearing you laugh

S: listen kid that dont mean i dont have a sense of humor

A: sure

speaker: alright cell mates visitor time is now open. you will stay in your cells and they will just come thru the isle

                geez they treat us like dogs in the pound.

A: *gasp*

               Maddie comes running over to Allie's cell in her causal oversized black and white jumper, black jeans and checkered vans. Allie puts her hands on the bars and puts her face as close to them as she can.

Mad: are you okay? they didn't hurt you did they? i was so worried-

               Allie puts her hand thru the bars and pulls Maddie into a kiss. Mads pulls away after a bit. I realized i was staring at Mads butt and turn away...the FUCK am i doing? 

A: *chuckle* down worry mads im fine really just yanno  hanging around

M: *sigh* this is so unfair 

A: yeah well we learn to live with it. right Sam?

                Maddie turns around and looks at me

S: yeah...i mean heck i WAS the 1st unstable to be put in her after all

M: oh who's visiting you?

S: um hi maybe you forgot my only friend is Phoenix and shes in a cell somewhere in here             

M: oh...well um...sorry

A: i'd visit ya but yanno aha kinda cuffed up at the moment

S: *rolls eyes* yeah its a good thing your behind bars

M: hey watch it-

A: huh? why? im here just like y-

S: cus your puns are...criminal

M: pppftt

A: AHAHAHA WAIT how did i not see that coming? so you CAN crack a joke or two

S: yeah when i wanna...guess my point still stands i DO have a sense of really doubted me

A: yeah yeah...guilty as charged

M: my GOD i swear to God these dads jokes

             They're charming i'll give them that...but whatever

Maxine POV

               I pull up to the jail and run in. 

Rep: can i help yo-

M: iris from the shut me up vid, where is she?

Rep: oh 1st cell on the left when you walk in

M: thanks

                  I run in and see her sitting on the metal bench in her cell.

M: *sigh* your okay

I: hm? *turns head* MAX!

                   She gets up and walks to the bars

M: so other then yanno being in here...whats crackalacking? 

I: well the foods gross i miss my own cooking to be honest, these cuffs are making my wrists kinda sore, they only let us shower 2 times a week which isnt really the best for my hair but i guess other then all that i'm...*sigh* just peachy 

M: geez your high maintenance *chuckle* but i guess thats just you

I: also this place is dirty...but hey only like 3 more days...hows the town? yanno with like half the workers in here hows the stores?

M: well yanno 1st off the big tops closed until the main act is back, the broken bottle is being run by mainly me and some other back ups we got but yanno its...slow, the cafes closed and the local garden is kinda yanno

I: well crud

M: theres more but i forgot most of it

I: and the egg sandwich diner?

M: the usuals miss you apparently your there favorite waiter

               That made her smile. I put my arm thru the bars and put my hand on her shoulder.

M: you'll be out soon dont worry and then everything will normal as this town gets...heck if ya miss your cooking i could come over and help and we can hang yanno?

I: that'd be dandy

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