patched up

18 0 0

Maxine POV

           I slowly open my eyes and sit up. I hear vomiting coming from the bathroom and remember what happened last night...

M: *sigh* oh boy

           I take off the sheets and see i'm only in my boxers. I quickly get my clothes on and grab a Motrin to give to Mads...this'll be awkward. I walk up to the bathroom and see her with her head in the toilet. I sit on the sink counter, take a deep breath and talk to her.

M: hey mads

            She looks up at me from the toilet shocked. I hold the pills out with a cup of water. 

Mad: i- *gags*

             She vomits again then takes the Motrin. I look behind me at the mirror seeing hickeys on my neck. 

M: *sigh* so mads um...something ya wanna tell me?

Mad: n-not really 

M: come on mads yanno i wont bring it up long?

Mad: since w-we were made

               She's liked me THAT long? she's never told me? i mean sure yeah as bad as i feel i dont like her in that way...but really?

M: why didn't you just tell me 

Mad: c-cus i couldnt just t-tell you...i k-knew you didn't like me back...i tired flirting, making moves, trying to make you like me more n-nothing worked *gags*

M: y-yeah...mads im sorry i just really...your hot dont get me wrong your just not my type, which is fine cus being honest i'ma'd get bored of me

Mad: *tears up* i j-just i...i don't know

M: i know its not your fault thats kinda how your character was made to be but should try other people it just wouldnt come on bud lest get ya some food or something...i'll go cook come out when you can and we'll talk about it

~~~~~time skip~~~~~

             I didnt bother wearing what i'd normally wear. Just a black tee, jeans, boots and a white hoodie. Max and I talked it out...i cried...a lot...thats not important though.

M: so um...Allie was fun to hang wit-

Mad: *gasp* Allie oh my God she got home late

M: what?

Mad: i...i got to go sorry thanks but i have to check on her

               I drive over to her place and knock on the door. I'm sorry worried she's normally so happy and care free but when ever she talks about Ruby she seems to worry even if she hides it...The door opens

Mad: Allie are you o...kay?

R:...what do you want?

Mad: r-ruby

R: answer the question

Mad: *gulp* i wanna see allie

                 She cocks a eyebrow at me and taps her nails on the door frame.

R: ...i have ta go sharpen our knives

Mad: you didnt answer-

R: ya find her ya can talk ta her

               She pushes past me with a bag of swords and knives over her back. I walk in

Mad: a-allie? you okay?

                I walked around and didn't see her anywhere. Then I get her room door. Its was open so i walked in

Mad: *gasp*

A: *gasp* m-maddie what are you doing here

Mad: what happened allie

                     Her arms had bleeding cuts on them which she was trying to wrap

A: u-uh um me and ruby were just trying a new routine is all

Mad: you sure allie?

A: yeah 

                    Something tells me shes not fully telling the truth but i dont wanna push it.

Mad: come on

A: what?

Mad: allie i'ma help you 

A: i-

Mad: allie, this isnt an offer, you need to let me help stop the bleeding

A: alright alright 

               She slowly gets up and i help her walk to the living room because her leg had a gash in it. I go get bandages and wrap her upper arms and leg.

A: t-thanks mads

                 She gives me this toothy smile...what's she hiding behind those happy looking eyes?

Mad: no problem can you really tell me why i had to patch you up?

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