work out

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Daffodil POV

                   With Rose working with the mayor, Daisy on break and Violet taking a break for a while...i know we only have a couple more shirts to make but still i could use some help...i hear the bell ring on the door meaning someone walked in

D: be right there

                 I stop put a pin into the shirt i'm sewing details onto and walk out of the back

D: oh Karen how are you?

K: i'm doing good 

D: how may i help you?

K: well you see one of my favorite dresses got a rip somehow and o was hoping you could maybe fix it? much would that be?

D: well let me see

                   She pulls out her pink form fitting dress 

D: oh i remember this one, you wore it to the christmas party

 K: um is the rip fixable?

D: hm? oh yes it should be an easy fix

K: okay *grabs purse* how much?

                     Well normally i charge for things like these however its only a small rip which shouldn't be hard at all...

D: nothing

K: i'm sorry?

D: i won't charge

K: uh no i can't accept that offer

D: well then i'm not offering...i'm just doing it

K: Daffodil you really don't need to do that

D: i you can come in the back i can sew it up quickly and you can grab and go

K: really?

D: yep no problem come on

                     I lead her to the back room where all the sewing happens. She sits in a chair and watches me as i put the dress up to different colored threads to see which color would hide the best. Then I sit at my chair and start to sew it together

K: come fashion is your thing?

D: hm?

K: i'd get it if maybe Iris was into it but...i don't know i just don't get how your talent is that

D: i don't know it was just...a feeling i guess

K: and sewing?

D: oh well i'm technically the oldest since i appeared first so i guess the motherly instincts of a older sister kicked in? and i started to learn...we all did and decided to open a boutique...well except for Rose, she'd help but it didn't seem to be her passion so then she figured out where she belonged and i of course let her

K: your really protective over them aren't you?

D: well yes again...i'm the oldest i just couldn't see them get hurt

K: i feel ya...being the oldest is hard

D: how come your the oldest?

K: i have no idea since i was i think the last to appear in my video...i think the admin just thought the character was more mature? 

D: make sense...and how about you? owning a bar?

K: gemma and harley liked video games and i wanted to run something grown up could have fun at so we just did it

D: well i'm sure everyone is glad you did

K: yeah

Hope POV

           Lexi said she wanted to go work out before pride so me and her are at Jessie's gym...and can i just say seeing her work damn-

H: damn lex how come you old wear tank tops when ya work out?

L: i wear sport bras too stupid *chuckle*

H: no i mean like...listen i KNOW you have abs under there but you never like show em

          She puts down the bar bell she was doing squats with and looks at me 

L: i don't know i just never thought about it i guess

H: but like would you?

L: *chuckle* do you want me to? is that it pudding?

H: i...*blushes* n-no

L: oh my God it totally is isn't it

                  no it's shes never called me that before...its normally been stupid or dummy or like yanno my name..."pudding" tho-

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