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Gemma POV

                 She yanks me a lil forward while we shake hands.

L: you better treat her right...hurt her and your DONE

                Her eyes flash a shade of bright red for a split second. gee touchy damn okay protective

G: u-uh yeah

                She lets go and we walk to the car. I figured just olive garden is chill

G: so um dumb question have you ever been to olive garden?

S: no i dont get out much

G: thats cool thats cool...hey you like sonic?

S: y-yeah but i like shadow and silver more

G: yeah they are way cooler 

S: y-you know em?

G: yeah i love video games im kinda the kid of my group so i play alot aha

S: what your favorite sonic game?

G: i like the mario sonic olympic winter games ta be honest

S: c-cool

G: yeah

                  Theres about 5 minutes of silence until Shatter breaks it.

S: so u-um...B-Barbie

G: *sigh* yeah 

S: how is s-she

G: shes...shes Barbie aha...look Shatter dont take it the wrong way shes just cautious is all

S: dont blame her

G: hey Shatter its not like that

S: like w-what Gemma? face it sure p-people are giving me this c-chance but they'll never r-really accept me

G: hey thats NOT true...i do, so does like everyone else its just they yanno aren't used to you being open ab-

S: being human

G: what?

S: c-come on Gem...look at me i'm n-not normal

                  I pull into a parking spot and stop.

G: hey Shatter none of us are normal

S: b-but

G: no buts ight? come on

                      We get out and i hold her hand as we walk into the place.

G: table for 2 please

Waiter: right this way ma'am

                       We sit, he gives us the menus and we order some waters for our drinks.

S:...they're looking at me

G: wait? who?

S: e-everyone...i can feel it

                         I look around and sure enough see some people looking at us. They make eye contact with me and look away going back to what they were doing. I hold Shatter's hand on the table

G: hey just ignore them okay?

S: i'll t-try

                     We our our food, talk, eat, all that and then leave. I open her door and she gets in.

S: thanks

G: no prob sooooo um well i was wondering if you'd wanna go to the movies? its fine if not yanno just won-

S: s-sure

G: great

                   I drive to the theater and let Shatter pick the movie. We get to our seats and I pu the divider arm holder up. She scoots closer as the movie starts.

G: Jurassic world? gee wonder what gave you that idea?

S: oh w-whatever 

                  I put my arm around her and she puts her head on my shoulder. Every once in a dino she'd jump or turn away from the screen. She really is a lil scaredy cat. We finish the movie and i drive her home. I open the door for her, walk to the door and wait for her to open it.

G: well? go ahead aha

S: wait

G: hm?

                  She turns to me and looks up at me.

S: G-Gem...thanks f-for today i felt slightly a lil more normal. I really do like you and would love to get to know you better

G: me too Shatter

S: sorry i'm such a lil scaredy cat sometimes

                   I just realized shes not as glitchy.

G: its fine Shatter your just kinda a noob

S: hey

G: *chuckle* its not bad though... i find it cute

S: i find you cute

                       awww my heart. She holds my hand and gives me a lil smile.

G: well um yeah see you late-

                      I get pulled down a lil and feel pressure on my lips. I open my eyes to she front of my face...shes kissing me. I melt a lil. After a couple seconds she pulls away. I cant get the smile off my face.

S: dont give me that goofy smile aha...*opens door* see you later Gemma

G: see you...y-yeah

                    She closes the door and i fist bump the air. That was amazing, i'v never had someone make the first move for a kiss. I walk to my car happily and drive home. I think i finally found someone who'll stay.

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