spot to fill

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Dante POV

B: alright i should really get going i'm sure my sisters don't care but like i DO have a salon to run 

D: damn can't ya just call in sick or something

B: no besides i like my job it's fun

                 I personally can't see what the big deal is about doing peoples hair, nails and giving em massages that could be fun to her. I put my binder on while she does her hair and puts on her clothes

D: *chuckle*i don't see why

B: well you like getting dirty with your work and i like staying clean and making things pretty

D: ya acting like i don't do that

B: you do i just do it on humans

D: *rolls eyes* i just kinda think it's silly

                      I crack my back and neck before getting my overalls damn shoulder's been being a bitch lately but i shake it off and go to make some breakfast

~~~time skip~~~

Maxine POV

                This is so dumb I just wanna go find Iris...I hope she's okay...i bet she's scared. My stomach growls since i haven't been able to eat at all which is enough to get me outta bed for the like one's not like i can do anything anyway. I can't eat, can't talk, can't sing at my gig obviously...can't go out without someone watching me cus they think i'll make a run to look for Iris which they aren't wrong...lack of food has made getting and keeping energy hard. Normally i'm pretty energetic but battery's just been running out lately since i can't charge it with food. I change into the outfit i wear in call me crazy, it normally pumps me up to wear but honestly i just...i'm tired...but i don't wanna go back to sleep. I hear a knock at my door so i answer it and see a similar face i haven't seen alone in a first best bud...

J: hey you doing?

                 I kinda can't help but give her a "seriously?" face

J: right sorry...look i know you're not a flower person but i always found plants as a nice gift or something to take care of so i got you one i figured you could handle

                 She shows me a lil plant i've seen before

J: it's a venus fly trap...they sell the food at the garden club store i'd give it to you with discounts duh. I got you some food already for you, it's a baby kinda so it'll grow but um anyways for now this should last you a while since it won't need too much

                 It's cool do be honest i wish i could thank her better for it. I put the plant on a table and hug her

J: aw you're welcome Maxie...just make sure to leave it near a window for sun um it's been a while since we hung out one on one like we used to

M: *nods*

                  Dude YES i'd love to hang and get the hell outta the house 

J: great i'll drive, the garden's been great so i have some time...wanna head to the broken bottle?

                   I can't really drink...but sure yeah that'd be dope

M: *nods head*

                    We head over and i hear someone singing...we walk in and i see it's the rookie, Alanis...they have her singing already?-

K: oh hey guys! hey max...oh yeah well figured we had a spot to fill, for now of course, and Alanis kinda needs a job till the mayor and Rose help her get a more suitable one so we hooked her up...hope ya don't mind beside she's bringing in some new faces

                       Oh well that's uh great as long as she don't get a big head

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