missed you

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Faith POV

            I'd love to go visit Jade i want to SOOOO much but i can't leave the library this is my job. I forget what im doing while thinking and fall of the ladder. 

H: owwww...*sigh* 

              I start picking up my mess remembering how Jade helped. As i climb the ladder again putting books back someone calls my name...on a week day?-

Jen: hey Faith

F: hm? oh hey Jenna arn't you supposed to be at school?

              Jennas the local schools drama teacher.

Jen: im on break look do you have about lets sayyyy...10 copies of Romeo and Juilet? 10 students somehow lost theirs and i dont have time to buy them cus i promised i had more but i didnt

F: oh yeah um lemma check

                    I climb down and lead her to the section i remember them being in, rolling the ladder and climb it

F: should be righhtttt...*puts on glasses* oh here can i just drop them down it be easier is all

Jen: sure just as a putting down a dog makes it easier to say goodbye...dropping books from that height would probs be best for you

                        ugh shes so dark sometimes...i grab 3 at a time and drop them down for her to catch in her book bag. Then i get down and check them out for her

Jen: thanks faith your a life saver...well i mean you cant stop death but like yanno what i mean

F: anything else i can help with?

Jen: nope and now i shall bid you adieu

F: bye

                      She walks out and i go back to organizing the books. A couple hours pass and then its the end of my shift. One of the other librarians come along and drive at the speed limit to the jail...please please dont let visiting hours be over. I pull up and walk in

Rep: oh im sorry ma'am visiting hours are over i was just locking up

F: o-oh...oh please i haven't been able to see my girlfriend all week

Rep:...let me see if...who are you trying to see?

F: Jade from special 

Rep: *sigh* alright i can give you some time...i could get in trouble for this

F: oh thank you so so so much ma'am

Rep: now get in there, shes the second cell on the right over there

              I walk in and turn on the lights...im in the division for the fairly mild to almost harmless unstable. I see her and put my hands on the bars

F: sweetie?

J: *gasp* sweetheart! 

               She comes over and kisses me thru the bars. She seems to calm down a lil

J: i t-thought they were closing up

F: they were but she let me in to see you 

J: thats great

F: i missed you...i know its only been a couple...day...jade what happened to you shirt?

J: hm? *looks down* oh um one of the lunches this week had fish in it and they d-didnt tell me *sigh*

F: your allergic to fish?

J: yeah...im also a vegetarian so...yanno

F: oh im sorry sweetie

J: i-its okay dont worry about it alright? hows the local garden?

F: well its um...

J: *sigh* the flowers are dying arnt they?

F: yes...they were beautiful though 

J: not as beautiful as you 

F: oh you...

                   I kiss her and her eyes start glowing and i feel a flower crown grow around my head. I pull away

J: s-sorry *chuckle* the flower thing is kinda new iv never had them grow without me wanting to

F: your powers are connected to your feelings jade its okay...i think its sweet

J: thanks *blushes*...you should go faith its late

F: yeah...*sigh* i know

J: you'll see me soon and i promise i'll give you the biggest hug

F: here

              I take off my pull over sweater and give it to her thru the bars...dont worry i have a plain white shirt under it

J: really?

F: yes jade 

                  She changes in front of me making me blush and we kiss goodbye. I drive home and walk into something i wasn't expecting

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