new feelings

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Gabrielle POV

                     I'm honestly surprised she has bangs...none of us have bangs...what's the admin doing where ever she may be? She's quite attractive if i'm being honest. If never actually had to show a newbie around...Sam just popped up and figured things out alone and then taught Phoenix...and Astra well...she was so smart she was able to learn things right away... Alanis runs her finger tips on the hood of the car while walking to the passenger side of my car

Alan: nice ride

Gab: what? oh it was provided by the government because i'm the mayor it's nothing really

Alan: the what?

Gab: *sigh* there's a lot to teach you...anyways hop in

                      I get in my side and she makes herself comfortable right away. She figures out how to lean the chair back, crossed her arms behind her head and puts her boots up on the dash

Gab: *clears throat*

Alan: shit...did i do something?

Gab: it's um...

                       Does she have any manners?...she doesn't seem to care...oh well she's new i wouldn't want to make her feel bad

Gab: w-well um...see that strap?

Alan: this thing?

Gab: it into this you need to buckle up

Alan: why?

Gab: well it's the law-

Alan: that's kinda a dumb law

Gab: is not...people die without these things on you know

Alan: how? 

Gab: well another car could crash into you and you could go flying out

Alan: oh damn

                She buckles up and i start driving...we hardly had time to figure out where she'll stay or anything. She figures out how to turn on the radio and goes to the rock station. We get to a stop light and i examine her...

Gab: *clears throat* you don't have any sort of key with you

Alan: uh...should i?

Gab: well normally we get one that opens our home...i wonder if you don't have one

Alan: i'm sure it'll work itself out

                   She doesn't seem like the type to care. I drive to town hall and we walk to the front door

Alan: this place is pretty cool

                 I open the door and lead her to my office...i don't have much of a idea of what to do with her especially with everything going on. Rose walks in and i hear a quiet gasp come from Alanis

Alanis POV

                 A lady in a red dress with pinkish long blonde hair walks in and i swear time slows down for a couple seconds...who is that?-

Gab: oh hello Rose...this is Alanis 

R: oh hello welcome

Alan: h-hi

                 She's a total knockout my God-

Harley POV

                Barbie's doing my hair in the bathroom...i know she enjoys doing it so i let her...that's bruise over her eye ain't a sight for sore eyes lemme tell ya

H: soooo...who was it?

B: no one important

H: come on who punched ya sis?

B: *sigh*...dante

H: damn what were you doing with them?-

B: NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS...*clears throat* i don't want to talk about it...there the braids are done

H: thanks sis and uh...sorry

               I leave and drive over to Irene's place. She said she was wondering if i could help her set up her new bed...which i mean i'll try my best. I knock on her apartment door. I hear her from the other side

I: it's open!

               I walk in and see her mixing something in a bowl. I walk up behind her, wrap my arms around her waist and lay my head on her shoulder

H: hey rene

I: *chuckle* hey babycakes

H: what chu making?

I: right now just some chocolate cake batter

                I let go and stand next to her while looking at the bowl. She turns to look at me and kisses me. I kiss back of course then she pulls away

H: hmmm~

I: *chuckle* anyways want some?

H: hell yeah

                 She takes out the mixing spoon and hands it to me to lick clean. She puts the batter in the oven and then turns to me while i finish cleaning the's so good

I: good?

H: mhm~

I: good

                I throw the spoon in the sink and she puts her arms around my neck and we kiss again. She lifts me and sits me on the counter

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