I Sold My Soul

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Freddie POV

                        I finally roll up to the circus back entrance for employees only. I don't know how but i lost Jack so i just assume they went REALLY fast. I walk in...the security doesn't even question me...they look at my face and just lemme in...ouch? anyways, i walk in and see Jack with the other clowns and cast members. They trying to explain what the main act was...i walk up behind Jack and put my hand on there shoulder

J: *gasp* oh...it's you

F: look jack...i'm sorry...i'll help ya out, you're my twin, we gotta stick together

J: ...ya mean it?

F: yeah...i do...fucking shoot me from a canon if ya want, i'ma be right here

J: is that a promise?

F: hell yeah

J: ...*smiles* i knew you'd lighten up...come ere bro

F: oh oh okay-

                       They hug me hard...in front of all these people okay this is weird-

F: ight yeah *clears throat* so...bout this act...

Olive POV

                             I drive over to the building the beam is coming from...i remember this place this is where i came from...i knock on the door. Someone a little taller than me opens the door. They have bangs and a red flannel on...almost like the one Fred has but not quite along with a harley davidson sweatshirt and pants that match almost perfectly in color...no shoes though...they give me a warm smile

?: hey i could finally open the door...cool 

                          I wave at them a smile

?: hey what's your name...uh also where am i? also also...why am i an adult IN clothes if i was just kinda...born? was i born?-

                           I hold my hand out to make em stop. like okay okay one question at a timeee...this is gonna be hard

?: ...you don't talk much do ya?

O: ...*shakes head*

?: hm...do yanno sign language?

                           No not really...i've been trying to learn

O: *shakes head*

A: hmm...well um hey...i'm amy...yeah amy that's my name...we can work this out...do you have something to write in?

                        I forgot my notebook at the theater...oh this wasn't a good idea why did i take that position? 

A: hey hey nah nah hey...it's alright...i can deal aha...i can ~adapt~ it's cool we're ~cool~ ight?

O: *nod*

A: how bout...OH here take this stick

                       They pick a stick off the ground and point at the sand

A: and write there

                       Oh, great idea! I take the stick and start writing in the sand

A: by the way um so...what's your name?

O: *written in the sand* i'm olive, sorry i don't talk...don't ask why

                       Cause i don't REALLY know the answer-

O: well as to how you came to be...that would be a lot to talk about, mayhaps i can "tell" you later...for now may i know you're pronouns so i can refer to you as such?

A: oh you fancy talker...uh...you mean like...if i'ma boy or a girl?...uh...that's a hard question-

O: my apologies...       

A: um...i think i'm okay with she/her...yeah I like she/her...thanks for asking actually

O: thank you miss, may we leave?

                   She kneels down laughing and writes "sure m'lady" in the sand...m'lady?

O: *blush*

A: hey you okay?

                     Oh crud i'm blushing i think. I shake my head and give her a nod

A: ight...let's go...it'd be better than being stuck in there all day again

O: *nod*

                    We get in the car, buckles up and i start driving

A: can i turn on some music?

                       OH her music right...i stop the car and feel around her chest...well this is awkward

O: *blushes*

A: uh...um...looking for this?

                         She pulls a cd out of her pocket

O: ...*nod*

A: *chuckle* you could've asked...yeah i've had it in my pocket since i came here i don't know what it is

                        I put my hand out to say, may i-

A: yeah you can have it

                         I put it in the cars cd player and her song "I Sold My Soul" plays


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