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AN a week passed and is halloween now bc...didnt smu come on halloween week? idfk cant remember ANYWAYS

Gemma POV

                  Harley and I volunteered to take some kids around trick or treating who's parents cant cus work. We pull up to a haunted house and the kids run in. I follow em as Harley parks.

Shatter POV

L: ight kids coming so yanno what to do-

S: exist. yeah im pretty sure ik what to do 

L: just scare em damn dont be so emo

S: *sigh* 

                   I hear kids step in and get ready with my voice changing mask cus we're scaring them not making em die of fright. Its just a jump scare maze and im doing all the scaring with my powers...or yanno the ones i choice to use anyways. They close the down behind em and i see em with my thermal vision. I pop up behind em and let out a screech



K: oh ma gAHHHHH


?: *chuckle* cool

                    cool? whatever anyways they all start running so i just spend the time it takes em to get out. Did some teleportation to get in front of em, coming down from the ceiling, some 360 head spins here and there, fake blood, some ripping my head off...they all run out screaming and Lexie hands em candy. I hear a footstep behind me and figure its a stubborn kids so i turn around and roar at em with my eyes flashing and blood falling from my mouth...

?:*clapping*  wow damn dude good job very convincing

                        the fuck? that usually even gets adults they didnt even flinch. I shake my head, disappear and re-appear behind em from the ceiling while grabbing their arms to spin em and detaching my jaw like a a snake. They dont even jump...what the?

?: see the thing about halloween is thats the time people LIKE getting scared aha

                 I look past them and see the kids all laughing and going to the next house. I let go of them and jump down while fixing my jaw.

S: i...

                  They take off their mask...its Gemma.

G: then again i play horror games so i guess im not a easy scare but i'll admit your scaring is VERY good 

S: u-um t-thanks

G: well take off the mask dude i wanna see who's this good at scaring

S: u-um no nah im good                  

G: oh come onn please i wont tell anyone

                  Gemma walks closer and i back up into a wall. I could easily just leave...why aren't i? She looks down at me smirking.

G: come on dude trick or treat or whatever

S: *gulp* i-

                   Lexie said keep the mask on or i'll just actually scare people by existing...but I think Gemma's different. I slowly reach to it and take it off. I look up at her and she looks confused for a second...but not scared.

G: ooooh so your Shatter?

S: u-um yeah a-and your Gemma

G: yep aha well um great job dude...yanno you should do this more like for kids parties and stuff its really dope

S: r-really?

G: yeah like sure not for a wedding but like a kids party or something. here *gives number* i could hook ya up or something im sure welp happy halloween *walks away* call me

S: u-um yeah y-you too

                 I kinda just stand there confused...she really didnt care...wow. I put the number in my pocket and i swear for the first time in a while...or ever for that matter i feel myself smile a lil. I put my mask back on and head back to the entrance waiting for the next group of kids..."call me"...maybe i will


...anyone have any ships yet?

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