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Violet POV

                     I hear one final bang and see ruby sent flying across the street

S: *chuckle* ... honestly i hope you don't die yet... cause i'd love ta beat the shit outta ya again

R: *pant* ... s-shut up

                     Sam kicks Ruby in the face one more time 

S: *spits* well sorry, I gotta town the turn upsidedown 

                    They run off and leave poor ruby bleeding. They try and stand but stumble to the floor... why aren't they healing? They get up again and instead of flying they climb up the side of the old warehouse by stabbing knives into the side and climbing with them

V: ooooh come on 

                     I follow em up and watch em just collapse onto the floor

V: ruby!

                     I run up to them and get a tissue out of my purse

R: get a-away from me, i-i'll fucking kill you

V: I've heard that before... just hold still

                        I hold her face still and wipe the blood off her... she must be too tired to fight back

V: I know you're in there ruby

R: ...

Iris POV

V: SHIT! why the hell aren't they attacking her she's RIGHT there, why can't I get them to kill her

M: I don't know I think it's kinda sweet-

V: did I give you permission to talk bitch?

M: n-no ma'am... s-sorry 

                                Okay I can see them I have NO idea how I did it... but I did it, I can see them. Poor max must be cold considering she's in nothing but a thong. I wonder who they're talking about... i wonder what's going on out there... what if I broke the tv? would I escape or die? now that's a thought. If I'm right this room is all there is meaning I'm basically in a big tv, and if I'm in a big tv... maybe I can move it from the inside... but how? What if I COULD move it from the outside... if I can control my red thread and Virus is using MY thread. I focus as hard as I can on the red thread next to Virus. I see the needle wiggling... this might work. Soon enough it actually starts moving where I want it to, I poke Virus with it

V: ah what the fuck?

M: what is it h-

V: shut UP max

                     She brushes it off and keeps watching the tv. Okay so maybe somehow I can get one of them to come to the tv... i don't want to hurt Max though-

V: GOD DAMN IT, don't just STAND THERE KILL VIOLET... i have to go... i need a drink

                    She leaves max... max just brings her knees to her chest looking lost. I carefully wrap a thread around her wrist

M: ...Virus?

                      I just tug it over to the tv and she follows confused

I: max? can you hear me?

M: that voice again

I: hold on

                       I can't look at her like this, I use a needle to grab her shirt and put it on her

M: wow... t-thanks? 

I: maxine, listen to me

M: uh... y-you don't sound like Virus-

I: that's cause I'm not, but you NEED to listen to me okay?

M: um... i s-should ask Virus first-

I: NO, no no no, you can trust me okay?

M: ...

I: listen very closely I NEED you to knock over the tv and break the screen

M: oh no, V-Virus would hate that I can't... do that-

I: I PROMISE... if you do it I will be able to help you

M: well why would I need help? i love Virus *chuckle* oooh this must be Virus messing with me-

I: no I'm not Virus, max listen to me... p-please?

M: uh...-

V: max, I'm back...did I GIVE you permission to put a shirt on?

                       Oh crud

M: I uh... 

                       She looks at the tv and back at Virus 

V: why are you near the tv?

M: u-uh-

V: i gave you TWO fucking rules. DON'T do shit without permission...


so I didn't know wattpad books only lasted 200 chaps... sooooo book two'll be coming at ya really soon

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