deal with the devil

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Ruby POV

            She gives me this look...i knew it'd be too much for her-

V: okay some sort of being is inside of you making you do these horrible things-

R: she can um also leave? if she get bored of me she'll leave and maybe enter other people...that's why i normally stay in here and just hope, as much as i hate it, that she stays in me...*tears up* e-even if it means...she hurts me instead

V: so those cuts in your wrists?

R: those were her...alone with anything she made me do to allie...oh a-allie damn it...i screwed shit up

V: hey no 

R: i f-fucking did i got mad...and she doesn't want me in the act no more she d-don't want me around her and i d-don't fucking blame her i'm a fucking monster...m-monster I'M SO STUPID

V: hey hey shhh no your okay-

R: i just week...that i could have one week without being her puppet...then she could do whatever she wanted with me...i'm so tired of not being able to control my own body

V: well what about right now?...also...i'll bail you out

R:  WHAT? no violet really its fine...she's giving me this...its safer for everyone if i'm here...i know once i can get outta here i'll be back at her mercy heck i am

V: what?

R: R-R-

                    Oh fuck no no no not again- hi good to be back ladies and gentlemen 

R?: hello love bug~

V: w-wait...your not r-ruby

R?: clever girl

Violet POV

                  She grabs my neck and pins me down to the sofa...she brings her face very close to mine. Her eyes are glowing and her horns are starting to grow out of her head

R?: now you listen to me...leave my puppet the hell alone...she was practically unshakable till you came along, ever since you've started hanging around she's been stronger against my damn power making harder to control more then two people at once...and if you bail them out i PROMISE i will somehow get you DO you understand-

V: ...i'm w-willing t-to risk that for her

                 I don't care what it takes...i'm going to help Ruby one way or another

R?: oh i PROMISE you'd regret that

V: i d-don't care

R?: *scoff* i'll admit...she chose a stubborn bitch to be her only fucking friend...see ya around love bug

V: what?

                They let go and pass out onto me

V: oh God ruby...ruby come on wake up

R: h-huh?

V: oh your okay

R: w-what hap...ARE YOU OKAY? D-DID I HURT YOU?

V: no no ruby i'm fine

                They get off me and i sit off and pull her...the real her into a hug as i lay my head on her chest

R: i...thank God

                   They hug back softly...just like last time

R: you're...honestly all i have

V: and i'll help you best i matter what

R: *gulp*...t-that's what i'm scared of

V: hey i'm okay right? you didn't hurt me too bad really...i know there's good in you because of that, i know your not the monster people make you out to be...i know you're good

R: ...thanks violet but...i just can't accept that offer for you to bail me out w-what it i-

V: hm...hey! whoever the hell you week! give Ruby one week please...a-and...and you can do whatever you want to me-

R: what!?! violet no-

                  Their eyes glow again and a creepy grin appear on ruby's face

R?: shake on it ladybug?

V: ...yes...starting next sunday

R?: *chuckle* deal

                        She grabs my hand hard and gives it a firm shake...then winks at me. Ruby's body goes limb again but then they look at me in fear

R: w-why?

V: don't worry about relax and get ready for next week okay? think of somewhere you'd want to go or something-


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