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Angel POV

A: do you want to talk about it?

P: i-i'm just so w-worried about everything...i h-have a bad feeling

A: come on in hun...i'll get you some coco if you want

P: ...why are you up so late?

A: oh, you know me, i'm always up this late

                              Later actually...i'm a night owl anyway so i don't mind. I make some hot coco and we sit on my bed

P: you're wide awake though...what's wrong?

A: nothing, really

                              I look over at a mirror...

A: i'm fine...but i will admit i was lonely...but now you're here 

P: aw i'm sowwy, you could've told me i would've come over

A: i'll keep that in mind

                           She has her hot coco and cuddles up with me in bed

A: there's my lil cuddle monster

P: i'm just...*gulp* w-what if ruby and shatter were just the beginning?...what if the others are next...w-what if i-i'm...what if i'm next

A: i'm going to try my best to make sure that doesn't happen...i promise

~~~next morning~~~

Harley POV

                       I stretch...i'm at irenes place...ohhhh i remember last night now. I get into yesterdays clothes. These pants are starting to get a lil smaller on me than they were a couple weeks ago...that's annoying. I brush my teeth and walk out into the kitchen and see Irene making pancakes

I: oh! morning baby cakes

H: *yawn* morning

I: got some chocolate chip pancakes

H: oooh yum

                            We sit down and eat breakfast

I: like em?

H: hm?

                      She asks me mid-chew so i hold up a finger while trying to swallow

I: *chuckle* i'ma take that as a yes

H: *gulp* oh yeah, they're really good

I: thanks, i've been working on the recipe a lil more...good thing i had my favorite food tester around lately to try em

                      She's gotta point...not that i mind it but maybe that would explain how i'm gaining a lil more lately...i should start actually hitting the gym not just running and dancing...


G: hey harley... hey... have you gained weight?


G: no I mean you look fine your face just looks a lil fuller

H: o-oh um w-well I... uh-

B: well that's RUDE gemma... you look fine harley I have no idea what she's talking about 

G: pretend I didn't say anything

~~~end of flashback~~~

I: wanna try mine? it's banana and strawberry 

H: does sound really good

I: here babe

                  She holds out a piece on her fork...i lean forward and take a bite... fuck it's really good...

H: rene?

I: yeah

H: do you think i've gained weight?

I: i mean i haven't noticed it...why?

H: i don't know...i just...

I: i think you look amazing

H: ...thanks rene

                   She gets up, takes my empty plate and kisses me...

I: of course... let's get you home okay?

H: yeah

I: you wanna drive?

H: hell yeah

Maxine POV

                        I wake long has it been? I sit up and look around...i don't see iris anywhere. I can move so i quietly walk over to the tv after hearing another thud come from it...i tap the screen and something taps back...what the fuck? I turn it's really staticty but i can make something...or someone out...

I: m-max?

M: *gasp*

                       It's iris...but i think this is the real iris...i can just tell. She's in front of the screen crying

I: oh my Gosh maxxie...what did she do to you...i'm s-so sorry about all of this max, it's my fault

M: *shakes head*

                       NO this isn't her i was right...that isn't iris...

I: m-max you gotta l-listen okay? p-please you gotta g-get out a-and try t-to warn the others about v-virus and stay a-away from tvs- 

                        Virus? who's Virus?...i have so many questions-

*tv shuts off*


V:'s outta the bag i need for a formal let's just keep this between you and me...okay maxxie waxxie?

                        EW don't call me that-

V: it's safe to're lil friends out there'll be pretty shocked once my plan is in motion...might be so busy they won't see act two coming

                        She yanks me up by the hair 

 V: for now... how's bout you and i have a lil fun~

                        She pins me on the sofa and forces her tongue into my mouth... Lord have mercy- 

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