the spirit

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Maxine POV

M: so yeah i...i don't know how to make mads feel i don't know...better?

I: damn...that sucks i wish i could help honestly max

M: meh its fine     

            I'm on my break which weirdly enough is also when Iris has her break.

M: so Iris um...i mean you've been here for a decent amount of time are you planning on trying to yanno date?

I: i mean...maybe but i don't know...i mean yanno max not many dudes wanna be with a unstable

M: well why dudes? i mean its a big town lots of options 

I: i mean yeah but i don't know how to start

M: hey look...your helping me with Sam...i'm sure i could at least help yeah get some dating app yanno?

I: max i'm based in the fucking 50's i didn't come with a mobile phone

M:...oh right um...well fuck that come on i'll buy ya one


M: yeah i mean come on you deserve one anyways 

I: i can't accept you BUYING me a phone

M: well your gonna have to cause i'm doing it aha

I: oh max i-...OH shit i gotta get to work

M: meet me after work ight? i'll drive ya

I: sure um okay

~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

Iris POV

I: maxine i really can't thank you enough

M: it's nothing Iris really 

            She got me the latest iphone in a nice shade of pink and then a clear phone case for it.

M: think of it as your christmas present 

I: yeah...i'll do you one better

M: aw Iris ya don't need to get me anything

I: well i want to~

~~~~~~~~~~~Mean While~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hope POV

H: hello welcome to comic corner how can i help you

L: *grown* look im just here to get a good present for Shatter okay?        

H: you okay?

L: im vine

H: your vine?


                Most the people in the store turn and look at her.

L: *gulp* l-look i don't feel the best is all... i just don't know what to get her okay that's the reason i'm here...h-hold up 

           She takes off her jacket and revels her arms to cool off. woah

H: u-um well we're closing soon and you don't look so good how's about you just sit in the back room, maybe get some water and cool down and once i close up i can help ya

L: y-ya sure?

H: yeah for sure 

             Everyone walks out, i close up and head to the back room. I guess she's still having that hangover 

H: hey so um do you need a fan or something?

L: n-nah my head just hurts...*sigh* driving home was a bitch-


L: S-SHUT UP OKAY...i never get a choice besides...i didn't kill anyone

                     oh God why didn't anyone offer to drive her?-

L: look seriously i just wanna know what i should get Shatter

H: well i guess maybe well...what does she like?

L: *mumbles* gemma

H: well we know that but like something you could GIVE her

L: she likes disney and she's getting into fnaf and stuff...she kinda hangs with gemma more now it's weird i thought i knew her...and i did but gemma's getting more outta her then i ever did

H: well did you ever talk to her?

L: *sigh* its complicated 

                   I sit in a chair next to her as she holds her head in her hands...i feel bad for her. 

H: well here...i'll try and help ight?

L: its just...she's...most people'd think I'D be scared of her put truth is we were made together so truth is shes like a sister so my fear is her being hurt not her scaring me...but as the slightly older one...she's...*gulp*

H: scared of you?

L: *sigh* ding ding...i don't mean to be so's just how were made and no one gets it

             I feel so bad...i put my hand on her's and move them away from her face. She looks at me confused.

H: hey its almost chirstmas...let my gift to you be helping okay?

L: really?

H: yeah

L: t-thanks...*groans* ow my head

H: staring with that migraine 

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