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Maxine POV

              I watching the news in the bar and see Lexi...i listen to the whole story before thinking about something-


             I run to my motorcycle and bolt to The Egg Sandwich diner to see Iris getting pushed into a cop car. I run up to it

I: m-max i dont know w-whats happening

M: hey hey you'll be okay just know you didnt do anyth-

               They shut her door and began to drive so i followed em. They dont let me into the prison so im stuck outside. I hear sniffing and see Faith crying. 

M: *sigh* hey faith...hey guys

F: s-she didnt even d-do anything t-this time it w-wasnt even o-one of the n-normal ones

M: i know i know it fucking blows...come on i bet you wanna see if hope's ok

F: y-yeah

              I drive her over to the hospital in her car.

Rep: hello are you with Hope?

F: y-yeah

M: same here

            We go to the room they told us and we see Hope crying next to Lexi who doesnt look so good. 

F: hope your okay

H: h-huh?

            Faith runs up and hugs hope.

M: hey...*sigh* they seriously cuffed her to the bed? as if...*sigh* so not cool

H: y-yeah

             We all sit and Hope explains what happened. i hear a noise and tap Hopes shoulder.

H: what?

M: look bud

H: *gasp* 

             Lexi was stirring a lil. Hope holds her hand and she wakes up. She yanks her hand away looking pissed.

L: w-wha...ouch

               She cant talk so she just flips her off and turns onto her side leaving Hope in shock. Gemma and Shatter come in followed by police.


G: ughhhhhh *snaps fingers*

              Everyone other then us pause like Gemma had a remote.


L: *groans* s-sure

G: come on kitty yanno they just gonna be more pissed the long i hold em like this

S: *sigh* im just glad you didnt...yanno

L: ya...s-same...ya better go

                 She unpauses and take em away. 

H: l-lexi what-

L: i dont need your pity Hope...just leave would ya? im better off dying alone

H: but-


             Faith leaves with Hope and i follow...

M: yanno lexi...its not hopes fault 

            With that we leave and they drive me to my motorcycle so i can drive back...damn its been an hour already? ima be late to my gig-

Violet POV

             I hear the news and drop my hangers. Daisy comes over and helps me pick up the mess i made...I ask Daffodil not only cus shes the oldest but shes yanno our boss if i can have off for the day. 

D: violet of course yanno i'd give my favorite youngest sister off whenever she asked

V: im the only youngest sister

D: even more of a reason

                    Shes always babied me...they all have. I take the car and drive to the car over to the 1st place i can think of Ruby being her place...wait no theres cops every where i'm sure she'd be somewhere else...but where...somewhere the cops wouldn't go that she'd like what does she like...being alone...that's IT! the old abandoned factory at the end of town on the Bad Karma district side so a couple miles past her house into the dessert. I drive there and sure enough find footsteps near it but its whatever before the footsteps that's weird its like...a weird big ditch...like something or someone crashed onto it from the sky. I walk in, all the lights are off and out thankfully the holes in the room let in some light. I close the door behind me and hear a...flap sound. 

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