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Gemma POV

           I wake up with a gag. SHIT I'MA HURL! i get off Shatter, make a run for my bathroom and make it to the toilet just in time. As i'm spilling my guts i hear quiet footsteps behind me.

S: well gee morning hon-...Gem

G: were you abouta call me hon- *gags*

                  Before i can finish that sentence more of last nights drinks make their way back up thru my throat. 

S: what? "honey" nah course not? anyway here *snaps* 

                        Out if the corner of my eye I see a motrin bottle and a cup of water pop up from like no where. I quickly take the pills and vomit a lil more. I feel a hand rub circles into my back. 

S: c-come on Gem lets get some food in your system

G: uhhh

                    She helps me to my feet. i brush my teeth, use mouth wash and chance not bothering with my hair. I walk to the living room and lay on the sofa. 

G: ohhh fuck my head

S: feeling better?

G: ugh a lil...not the hottest i'v felt though

S: well i always think your hot Gemma

G: *chuckle* thanks kitty-

H: pffftt aha kitty really? now THAT'S a pet name

G: h-harley

H: chill chill i stayed to make sure you were okay but clearly Shatter has you covered...don't worry i'll get someone else to cover your shift...well i better go Karen don't know i'm late yet

G: thanks Harley

H: no prob but you owe me one and Shatter...take care of her

S: i w-will

G: ight see yall later

~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~

A: i p-promise mads it was just a slip up i just have...well iv always had bad luck under the big top sure if i slip up i can keep running with it but there's been times...remember when i wasn't working for like 3 weeks?

M: yeah?

A: its cus i broke my arm badly from a fall. My hands missed a rope and i took the hard way down

M: i'm sure its not that bad

                  We were at the local cafe. We were talking at a booth waiting for our coffees. They call our names and we get up to get them. Angel hands Allie extra napkins

A: thanks angel

             We sit down and within 5 second of just sitting down she spilled it somehow on her shirt.

A: ah shit...*sigh* be right back

              She pulls out a extra shirt from her mini backpack purse...thing i honest to God have NO idea what they are called... and walks to the bathroom. I'v heard that yeah shes pretty clumsy and trips easily but i'm sure that's not "bad luck" like that's just a superstition. She comes back in a new black shirt.

A: sorry bout that mads

M: why say sorry to me? it was a mistake its fine

A: i don't know iv just gotten used to it i guess

              Were just talking about life and then she got into her dating life.

M: so i know its awk to ask but i'm sure someone like you has had fun before if yanno what i mean right? i mean come on you and and Max along with others get talked about

A: w-well um actually...i...i'v never really never i w-well i'v...

M: shot wait that was too forward right sorry i don't know i kinda just have a habit of getting shit outta people

A: *sigh* no its SHOULD be easy for me to say yanno...but maybe in a more private area 

M: yeah yeah sure sorry 

A: *chuckle* you're starting to sound like me mads its um we better go i know i'm out for the day but i wouldn't want to stop you from work-

M: oh please i make my own schedule besides...i like hanging with ya

A: r-really?

M: yeah your fun to talk to

               She turns a slight shade of pink and gives a cute lil smirk. She puts her elbow on the table and leans her head on it while looking to the side at i think the menu.

Aliie POV

              I could feel myself blushing and didn't wanna show her that, it'd just make things awkward. I caught myself looking at her gorgeous face and turned pretending i was looking at the menu as if i want coffee and i didn't order a pink lemonade cus i don't do coffee. I talk to her while looking at Angel working to distract myself from Mads in a way.

A: y-you are too...s-so how's your life anyways~


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