doll house salon

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Barbie POV

                It was a kinda busy day at the salon so far with it being the day before pride. Everyone's been wanting their nails and hair done and hey its great business so who am i to complain. I hear the door open and look up

B: hey welcome to the doll house salon-

                 ...NOPE NAH UH NO WAY AM I TAKING HER-

D: hey uh t-this is kinda my first time? i don't really do this like ever-

B: one minute 

                   I speed walk over to Charlie who's working on a clients hair. I am NOT taking Dante-

B: *whisper* charlie ya gotta handle that client like HELL i'm taking her, i'll trade-

C: listen barbs honey i'd love ta really but i'm kinda dying this girls hair beside you know thats not how...*looks over* oh i see...yeah sorry honey your taking her 

B: come on charlie i'll do anyth-

C: she's not eve that bad, see came over to my place and trimmed my cute lil tree i have in the front yard into a heart its sooooo cute

B: ughhhh fine FINE

               I put on a fake smile and walk back. I speck thru my teeth and try not to grit them

B: right this way

D: ight...i just came to get my nails-

            I look down and see she's tracking in mud on her boots-

B: STOP...please could you wipe your boots on the mat

D: oh shit-

B: whatever just hurry up would ya?

                 She walks back and stomps and wipes her boots on the mat. She turns around and follows me to one of booths...okay fuck the fake smile my cheeks already hurt

D: ...

B: well?

D: what?

B: come on, almond?, stiletto?, oval?, maybe tips? what do ya want?

D: chill would ya?

                She rubs the back of her neck and thinks for a while...any time now really i don't have all day-

D: i didn't fucking know there was different ones okay?

B: ugh lemme see ya nails would ya?

               She takes off her dirty gloves, puts em on the table next to her and holds her hands up...she clearly has no idea what to do since normally people just lay them on the table

B: you can lay then down yanno?

               I pick up one of her hands and look at her nails...there's dirty under em, they're short, not too short where i can't work with them 

B: i'd dip is your best bet if you wanna make them stronger how long ya like em?

D: just so they don't get in the way of work i guess? i don't fucking know-

B: clearly...whatever i'll work it out

                 Lets get this over with...I start with the basics. Her hands are stiff not know what to do so i have to kinda nudge or tap her hands so she kinda knows where to put them, after a while she starts to relax her body just a lil bit making things a lil easier. I clean up her nails and then use dip power so it makes em last longer. I use "mellow yellow" polish and then make her put em in the uv dryer as i do the other

D: sorry bout dragging in mud...i just finished a jo-

B: i honestly don't really care okay? it's distracting when people talk 

                 She shuts up and I get back to work. I put the other hand to dry as i get the cream...its part of the manicure routine to relax and massage the clients hands and up to their elbows 

B: move your sleeves up

              She does it and I take her hand and start massaging em in a circular motion with my palm on hers and my other hand working around her fingers. She has "working hands" that's for sure . I work my way up her wrist and then massage her forearms. She has tense muscles...big muscles...anyways

B: alright done

D: t-thanks 

B: yeah yeah 

                  She pays and leaves...

C: seeeeee? now wasn't that fun-

B: shut the fuck up charlie


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