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Allie POV

Mad: ...i'm sorry

H: yeah... i guess we were the ones making ruby the way she is

F: I feel awful

A: *sigh* well after the first couple of days it really started to get to em


R: it's useless

A: hey don't think like that ruby... they just need to get used to ya, besides, we landed a job this is great-

R: it's great for YOU... kids don't cry in fear when they see you i... *tears up* they're never gonna accept me

A: that's NOT true, look once we start our act people'll learn to love ya i PROMISE

R: i can't even summon knives... *sigh* it's n-not fair

                               I notice them start to cry

A: hey you don't need to be able to use your powers... it's fine, okay? it'll get better

~~~end of flashback~~~

A: *sigh* but it never did... everyone just feared her... then one day something changed... i came home from the act she wasn't at and walked into her room-


                         I walk in and see her leaning over the bed grabbing onto the sheets... they sound like they're having trouble breathing... why is the room full of light smoke... that's not important right now, I'm sure they were just smoking a cigar- 

A: ruby? you okay?

R: *pant* ... *pant* a-allie?

A: where were you today? i needed you, you're my partner for the act remember-

R: get the FUCK out of my room 

A: ...i ... are you okay? seriously you're worrying me

                         I walk up and as i'm going to grab their shoulder they look at me... their eyes start glowing

R: why? cause you needed a partner right? make you look good while everyone still looks at me like a freak?

A: what? no it's 'cause you're my-

                               Ruby grabs me by the throat and pins me to the wall. What's going on?

R: i'm SO fucking tired of this B-BULLSHIT ALLIE 

                                Smoke pours out of her nose and her teeth start to look a lil sharper 

A: r-ruby what's g-going on-

                                 She squeezes tighter and i start to panic 

R: NO ONE'S ever going to f-fucking accept me so what's the FUCKING point of trying-

A: r-ruby-

R: oh but good news... i did a lil something and NOW look

                               A knife appears in her hand... she learned to use her powers

R: my question is... how sharp are they~

A: wait n-no ruby NO-

~~~end of flashback~~~

A: ... still don't know what happened to ruby... what made her the way they are but... maybe Virus was right... m-maybe ruby was right... it's not ruby it was n-never ruby *tears up* o-oh God ruby really did need help the whole time and i-

Mad: hey hey allie calm down

A: i w-was just so scared... d-damn it

H: ...not to break this up but guys... we have a problem

                           Hope opens a blind and we see what's going on outside

                           Hope opens a blind and we see what's going on outside

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F: oh my God

Mad: ... sam's out there

A: ruby's out there... they probably started the fires

F: i'm surprised they haven't chased us down yet... also where are the firefighters?

H: normal citizens can't go out there

Fred POV

                  Okay Fred you gotta do something

Jack: you can't just leave

Fred: look SOMEONE has to put out those fires

Barb: what are you gonna do?

Fred: SOMETHING, ANYTHING, and if you guys wanna watch this town burn that's on you

                       I leave and shut the door behind me there's GOTTA be some fire hydrates near my or something. I run to the main part of the city and then to the fire department. I break in and open the doors..."what starts with F and ends in "UCK?" 

Fred: fire truck... perfect 

                          I grab a helmet and get in the truck. Do i have any idea what i'm doing? not at all but we ain't got time to find out

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