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1??? POV

2???: come on open your eyes...come on...OI

1???: AH-

                  I fall off...wait..where...what...where am i? 

1???: wha???

2???: oh thank God i was so bored of being alone do you know where the heck we are?

1???: i was hoping you did...also who are you?

2???: oh i'm...eye...i don't

1???: uh...i don't either

2???: well...maybe we should just name ourselves...right? it's not really like...were babies...unless we are

1???: well then we're pretty big babies aha

2???: this is kinda serious

1???: sorry sorry couldn't help it ight welp um...what comes to mind when you look at me?

                  I get up and turn around so they see all of me...and i do...damn i have colorful clothes...woah wait-

2???:...hey what's on your face?

1???: MINE??? you should see your face

2???: kay sorry sorry...back to that question-

1???: jackass

2???: that works

1???: what???

Jack: pfttt ahaha jackass...jack for short i guess would be more mature but like yeah

1???: you really are weird 

J: yeah i guess this means i should figure your name out

1???: you SHOULD look in a mirror first and get that junk off your face

J: me??? *grabs wrist* ight mother fucker come ere

                    I walk over with em to a mirror i see...what...what is on my face? 

1???: weren't joshing

J: yeah ...n-neither were you

                      We rub our faces for a bit then i realize we're both making dumb faces in the mirror while doing it

J: pppfttt we look pretty stupid

1???: must be birthmarks

J: yeah i guess...nothing makeup can't fix i guess...but i mean is it really that ba-

1???: uh yeah it kinda is look at us...i don't...i don't think it's normal

J: well if that's it maybe i don't wanna be normal fred

F: f-fred?

J: huh...weird...just came out

F: fred it is i guess

J: but isn't that a...

Freddie POV

F: a what?

J: a...a like...dude name?

F: ...o-oh...u-uh-

                   Oh i guess they're right

J: yanno...never mind my name is literally jackass...freddie is pretty suits you

                    Yanno...yeah i like "freddie" who cares if people don't think it'd fit

F: alright for the what are we

J: hm

                      They do another 360 and look at emself in the mirror

J: i'd say were...alive???

F: well gee thanks captain obvious

J: my name's jack

F: *face palms* it's just a saying...wait a saying? how do we already know things? we were just like...born?...right?

J: don't ask me i ain't gotta clue...maybe we're twins

F: hmn that'd make sense...okay then, where are we? 

J: i can't help there either-

*knock knock*

Alanis POV

              This is the with everything happening you'd think the admin would chill with making music videos...whatever. I pull up and knock on the door. Everyone else was busy so gabrielle said i should handle the newbies 

*knock knock*

A: hello?

                 I hear some scrambling 

1???: don't open we don't know who it is-

2???: it'll be fine

                 two newbies wow. One opens the door

1???: uh...hey

2???: hi!

A: um hey you're the newbies right? what's your names-

J: don't tell them freddie

F: good job jack

A: oh cool i'm guys probably gotta lot of questions...i'll explain on the way to town there's kinda a lot going on y'all came during a busy time

J: oh...sorry

A: it's fine now faces-

F: yeah we noticed

A: does it come off?

J: nope aha kinda neat ain't it?

A: pronouns i should be aware of?

J: what?

A: yanno she/her, they/them...identifiers

F: ...hmm

J: gee i don't it that important

A: well...

                They gotta point i don't really care what people call me

A: not really...come on

                  We get in my car and start driving to town...what's that in the sky?-

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