feels like me

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Alanis POV

              Now this is a pretty cool feeling...getting applause for singing ugh i love it it's like what i was made to do. I see why Maxine likes it so much. Speaking of which i see her walk in with Jade. I finish my gig and hope off the stage. I give Max a fist bump

Alan: hey guys! what you think? my voice is pretty sick right?

Max: *in notebook* ye ig just dont get too cocky lol

Alan: yeah i'll try...

                I see Gabrielle with Rose

Alan: *happy sigh* hey rose...hey gabs

R: hello

G: so looks like this is defiantly a good filler for now...maybe you could replace Max


G: i'm just kidding Max

                 ...my God Rose is looking real pretty today-

M: hm


                  Ma hands me a folded note..."you like her don't ya?"

Alan: w-what? nah no pft that's dumb

J: hey Alanis 

Alan: yuh?

J: i heard some people misgendering you a lil back...doesn't that bother you?

Alan: not really...in fact i hardly notice it...but honestly...it's not that bad i'm i don't always feel feminine...or masculine so i mean like what i feel i am kinda changes and i don't really care about what pronouns people use...is that normal?

J: um

G: nobody in this town is "normal" that's just a word i think i know what you mean

Max: *on notebook* so genderfluid? basically you don't have a defined gender based off how you look

Alan: huh genderfluid...fluid like changes and stuff...yuh that's kinda how i feel along with people...i don't care what their pronouns are i love someone based off who they are

                  Or have crushes on em just if they're hot...like Rose

R: so like pan

Alan: yuh i guess...love is love and gender isn't really a factor to me...anyways um i better get back on stage my breaks almost over 

                    I hop back on stage and get ready to sing...pan and genderfuild...yeah that feels right...feels like me

~~~three days later~~~

Violet POV

              My sisters must be worried sick...but i don't wanna go back yet i noticed how much Ruby seems to enjoy it alone out here and i do to...it's peaceful and quiet-

R: *growl*

V: ruby?     

              I walk outside to see her transformed again. She's punched and head butting a tree...they were right they can't seem to choose when it happens...when she's mad she gets really mad. Fire was coming out of her mouth as she backed away from the tree which started falling TOWARDS ME-


                 In a matter of seconds I hear it crash down but...i don't get hurt...i hear crackling. I open my eyes and see Ruby breathing fire and burning the tree to a crisp mid-air. They open their wings so none of the ash falls on me before they pick me up and run to the house closing the door behind em

R: ...might not wanna be out there for a while...smoke isn't the best for the lungs i've heard 

V: i...y-yeah it um it c-can be

R: d-did i...*groan* sorry...did i hurt you?

V: no no you saved me...again

R: yeah sorry i kinda lost it to a splinter

V: OH let me see

                   She kneels down and shows me the splinter 

V: ...this may hurt a bit

R: yeah-

                 I yank it out


                   Her wings push out and send a gust of wind but i get it out

R: s-sorry

V: it's okay...yanno...you really aren't too bad...in fact you seem like...

                    A softie hidden under all these walls you built up-

V: ...you just can't handle pain as much as you think you can 

R: ...thanks i guess

V: i think...we should start

R: start what?

V: ...teaching you other ways to handle anger 

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