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Iris POV

           I walk into the bar smiling. I got the job and i start next week. I see Maxine singing killer queen with i'm guessing the new band behind her. I walk to a table for one in front of the stage. Stage presence or not she looks so happy and i can tell she is. Its no wonder really people find her attractive...i'd be lying if i didn't find her hot...but yanno she has her eyes on a prize so whatever

G: yo Iris

I: hm? oh hey Gemma

G: any drinks for ya?

I: any soda floats?

G: you want a float?

I: um yeah..problem?

G: no its just *chuckle* the only other person who really likes those is Max is all anyways yeah one float coming up

               Max finishes up killer queen and looks at me. She jumps down from the stage and walks over.

M: h-hey Iris how'd it go?

I: i got the job

M: thats great 

I: why you down here?

M: its our break, you guys come over here

S: ya?

M: James, Sam Andre this is Iris

A: charmed

S: hey 

J: g'day mate

M: hi nice to meet yall so your the ones in my video

S: yep but unlike yall we actually had to drive here aha

A: and if Gabbie does another mv we drive back but other then that we live here which is cool

M: yeah its cool

I: nice

G: one soda float 

I: thanks Gemma

                          The band goes to hang out at a booth and Maxine pulls up a chair, sitting on it backwards. 

M: so ya like floats too huh?

I: yeah

                      After a while their break ends and they go back to the stage.   She offers her hand to help me up and i take it. We sing Shut Me Up and then Call Me Crazy. After we finish i help the band pack up and then Maxine and I sit and a booth.                  

M: ya sure ya wanna work at a diner of all places?

I: what do you mean?

M: i'm just saying dude your one of the best dare i say it...*mumbles* maybe even the best singers in town

I: really?

M: yeah just dont let it get ta your head aha thats my job

I: *rolls eyes* so when are ya gonna go make your move over there?

M: hm *turns around then back* HELL no not now 

I: well why not?

M: cus i um i-

                       Damn shes always confidant as hell in public how is this tripping her up? I get up and push her over there

M: h-hey Iris come on t-this aint-

S: hm?

M: *gulp*

                      She stands there quiet for a second.

M: u-um *clears throat* h-hey Sam

S: *rolls eyes* hey 

M: u-um so uhhh nice weather right

 I: *face palms*

                 "nice weather"?

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                 "nice weather"?...bitch she's talked about how we all hate small talk ugh. After a very hard to watch convo later Maxine comes back and sits.

I: well

M: *puts forehead to table* that was just pitiful

I: agreed...Max like come on you have game just use it i know its in ya

M: i tried

I: whatever at least she didnt punch ya 

M: right

                          Gemma walks up with Shatter.

G: hey um guys can we get the buds here?

M: um yeah lemme call me

                        About a half an hour later and Lexie, Phoenix, Sam, Faith, Hope, Jade and the broken girl show up. The others were doing there jobs and what not.

L: hey Shatter so thats where you were

S: y-yeah

                    They all sit at booths.

G: so um me and Shatter have something to say

                    I wonder what it is. Shatter walks up to Gemma and holds her hand. Shatter was lowkey glitching out.

S: u-um s-so I...Gem i dont know h-how to s-say it

G: i'll handle this okay?

S: o-okay 

K: what is this about Gemma?

L: yeah Shatter

G: *sigh*

S: *gulp*

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