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Maxine POV

              Its been about a week since Jade's...incident so now everyone alright to hang around with the unstables. Just like Iris said everyday i'd come over and she'd help me out with i 29 and JUST learning algebra? yes. is it kinda embarrassing...yes. Am i thankful? yes. Its been great. Its about 10 and i walk into her place.

I: hey Max

M: hey soooo um whats today's equation

I: well um actually today we'll be learning something a lil different 

                   I sit on the sofa and look at her confused.

I: i couldnt help but notice you still very much like Sam

                 I feel my face get hot. I was hoping she forgot 

M: u-um well y-yeah

I: well you see...i wanna help ya out

M: with what?

I: lets face it Max your never gonna have a chance with her if you dont make a move

M: ughhh Iris we've been over this i dont have moves shes not interested in me

I: well you dont know that. She's just like that cus of what you've said yourself. your a "babe magnet" you dont have to work for shit. If she was to be interested in you she probably want you to work for it

M: so?

I: sooo i have some book and have been researching...and im willing to be your wing man kinda

M: really?

I: yep so um lets start with basics

~~~~~~~~~~mean while~~~~~~~~~~~

Hope POV

             I'm stocking the comics at the top of the selves when i hear the door open. 

H: i'll be right there

?: take your time

            I finish up, get off my stool and turn around to see-

H: l-lexie?

L: hey

              She had her hands in her pockets and was just looking at some comics. Shes wearing a simple red tank top, jeans and those platform boots.

H: u-um-

L: so this is where ya work huh?

H: um y-yeah um sooo what brings you around here?

L: i dont really know Shatter said theres a book series she wants to start reading and heard this is the place ta get comics and gaming books

               huh? OH right u yeah focus shes a customer.

H: well um...whats the name of it?

L: something like um...*snaps fingers*...oh right um five nights at

H: freddie's? um yeah i'm guessing the first book r-right?

L: the hell would i know? im assuming you have it maybe?

H: um yeah this way

                 I walk over to the fnaf merch section of the store. 

H: um right......oh here *holds out book*

                She looks down at me...she's only taller cause of those platform boots. I'v never really seen her eyes before...their pretty. Stop it Hope dont be weird

L: this is it?

H: um y-yeah-

               She kinda rips the book from my grip which tenses me up i HATE when people do that

L: s-shit um sorry i'm not really used to actual...manners um yeah anyways t-that's it 

H: um cool

                I get behind the counter and ring up how much it is. She pulls out a credit card...platinum? how the FUCK does she have this? she dont have a job that i know of.

H: w-wow plat huh?

L: yeah and?

H: hm nothing nothing've been in you bag i guess aha and i'v never seen ya working-

L: yeah well very few girls work at constitution sites and even fewer are noticeable  

H: oh c-cool sorry

                     damn a construction worker? no wonder shes jacked...damn arms like that she's gotta left at least 60 pounds easy. I hand her the receipt. 

H: s-so what do you do there?

L: make blue prints, mark the layouts and what now...more of the unseen stuff

                     OHHHH so not a real like construction worker but the brains behind She rips it from my hand, i swear i hear her curse under her as she opens the door

H: oh um have a nice day

L: um...yeah*closes door*

                   not one for manners i guess...then again. I remember how i said i'd give em a chance...Lexie really hasnt had many chances wonder she dont act normal around people they shy away from her. Shes cool im sure...maybe we could hang some time

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