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Maxine POV

             I put my arm around Iris to get comfortable. Something tells me ima need to be.

I: what is it Gemma?

G: well um...meandshatteraredating

Everyone: what?

K: repeat slowly

               Shatter and Gemma look at each other. I see Gemma hold Shatter's hand a lil tighter.

G: *whispers* it'll be fine shatter

S: o-okay

G: Shatter and I...are dating


G: were were in a relationship-


K: Barbie chill-


G: SO ARE WE DAMN IT and MOST of us learned how to hold our temper Barbs

B: *storms out*

                   Damn poor Gemma. Dont get me wrong im SO happy for em but well for one Barbie can be a bitch and second...yeah we all forget the broken girls are unstables. To be competently honest their all pretty weak anyways and mild. Barbie and Karen are the ones with tempers sometimes...and Lexie woo boy.

G: *clears throat* um yeah we figured one person would react like that. What im trying to say is i dont care how you react...just know if ya DARE to hurt Shatter you'll regret it-

L: oh trust me im not going NEAR Shatter from now on

S: l-lexie?

L: come ON Shatter her of all people? seriously

S: y-yeah c-cus she gave me the chance-

L: *scoffs* yeah so? anyone else would've and ya would've ran to em?

S: it's n-not like that-

L: whatever see ya later...or not i dont give a crap *walks out*

                  Shatter turns to Gemma and hugs her...i hear her...crying? is Shatter crying?

G: hey hey Shatter its fine fuck them okay

I: hey Shatter yeah its okay i think its great your dating

M: yeah, so ya have some pissy room mate boo hoo sucks to be em

S: w-what do ya mean?

M: they're just not open to the fact we can be more then friends cus were different but like so did boomers when the lgbt+ community was being more verbal. Ya it sucks but like they'll get used to it and sooner or later they'll say sorry

K: yeah Gemma honestly good for yall

H: damn Lexie tho...kinda an ass

G: shes kinda like that but its fine she has nothing on me

J: i think its g-great and by the way Shatter

S: y-yeah

J: yanno your cool with me...i dont know about others but like your cool...if ya didnt push us away i think we'd be

F: friends 

S: r-really?

G: i mean it worked on me Shatter, didn't it?

                               Shatter looks up at Gemma whos smiling at her. Shatter turns around smirking.

S: thanks guys...y-yeah sorry i'd push y-yall away, i just figured that s-since yall are scared it wouldnt change things to try and open up

H: oh trust me it does...your alright just dont go flashing the lights anytime soon 

K: yeah like it'll take a lil while maybe but i think people'll really like to get to know you

S: *chuckle* i'll t-try

Shatter POV

                   I'm happy i really am...i'm just scared...what if i earn their trust and something goes wrong? w-what if i go haywire? Those thoughts leave my head when Gemma holds my hand and pulls me to a booth. The rest of our time there was great i'v never really felt so...accepted. 

M: well i think its dope Shatter...nice ta finally get ta know ya

S: t-thanks

M: so other then what we saw earlier whats some other stuff you can do?

I: o-other then the horror scares aha

S: o-oh right i might not even do those much no more now that i know what the person on the reciving side feels like...but um well really i dont know much

                         Thats a lie i could flip this whole room upsidedown if i wanted...but i just started gaining some trust i wouldnt wanna scare em like that.

S: i knew about the finger spark thing...i dont really know what i do i just kinda do it

G: what was the first power you figured out?

S: the 360 head turn. a classic but yanno still fun to do

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