a dude

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Jackass POV

                  Alanis showed us the ropes and then let us explore ourselves. So we're hanging at the fair it's pretty fun

J: this place is pretty cool ain't it Fred?...Freddie?

F: hm? oh y-yeah it's fine i mean we kinda live here so yeah

J: what's up?

F: nothing

J: Fred we're twins i can tell something's eating ya...well not actually eating you that'd be weird but yanno                  

F: ...do you think...it matters what we are?

J: hm?

F: like...gender or lack of?...i don't know...just since i was made i don't really feel...like this is... my body?

J: ...i personally don't feel like...what we look like if that's what you mean

             I sit next to Fred on the bench and open my popsicle wrapper

J: feminine anyway...but i really do think our names fit...and heck it's our bodies we can change em if we fucking want to yanno?

F: yeah but...from what i've heard...none of the other...none are like me

J: well none of em are like anyone we're our own people

F: no like...i...*whispers* jack i don't feel like a girl...i feel more like...

J: ...a dude?

F: *gulp*

J: okay. then you are one

F: that's not how it wor-

J: sure it is. you're a dude. you can change your body and stuff but like you're a dude...i guess that means i have a brother aha

                    Always wanted a brother...though i have only been alive or a couple days-

F: just like that? you're not gonna ask questions?

J: hm...ya gonna eat that? *points to popcorn*

F: uh yeah

J: no further questions 

F: but-

J: Fred...you're my brother...that's all that matters, i don't care what people think

F: *smiles* thanks jack

                   I stand up and start walking over to the huge red and white tent

J: now come on! let's go check out the circus tent!

F: jack

J: hm?

F: thanks...i really mean it

J: and i really mean it bro...no problem

F: also you can have the popcorn


Dante POV

              Oh God i hope i look good. I don't have a suit or anything so i made sure to take a shower and wear clothes that ain't dirty. The cats hang out on the sofa as i dump dirty clothes that were laying on the floor into the washer

D: it's so dirty round here

F: meow

D: i don't care if it don't look messy i still want the joint to look good

R: meow

D: what do you mean fix my collar? oh my shirt one-


D: go shit she's here Fred be nice

                   I fix my hair a lil before opening the door

D: hey barbie...oh wow

B: what? is the makeup bad? i was just kinda in a hurry and-

D: n-no you look great...a lil fancy for my joint 

B: you look good 

D: thanks...uh come in

                   I close the door behind us

D: sorry if it's a lil messy i was in a hurry mysel-

                  She pulls me down a lil by the collar and kisses me

D: i...w-wow~

B: oh don't get all soft ya big lug it was just a kiss...i missed you

D: missed ya too doll

               We walk to the living room

B: now dinner

D: ya don't have to actully cook yanno

B: i hardly get to so if givin the chance i'll do it...my sisters don't lemme do it often 

D: i can still help-

B: you must be tired from all the heavy lifting from today

                   She ain't gotta clue-

B: ...you relax...what do you have to work with?

D: uh i got some chicken

B: i can do that

                  She pushes me backward and i fall onto the sofa. She looks at my arms fro a second

B: ...are your arms sore?

D: a lil but i'm used to it

B: hm...might be able to help ya out with that but first i'ma do dinner

D: u-uh okay

B: got any drinks?

D: in the pantry 

B: great let's get started 

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