cool down

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Diane POV

            She yanks me into a kiss. I pull away all flustered...she just woke up and shes already...yanno

A: *chuckle* your so cute when your all confused~

D: i'm just thankful your okay

A: how's about ya thank me in bed come on lets get outta here 

            She hops outta bed and goes to sign some paper work. People are looking at her...shes still just wearing what she wore on the float. Some men are staring RIGHT at her tits and ass while other woman are rolling their eyes its kinda getting me mad. I grab my stuff and follow her out, a guy walking past her smacks her ass

A: *fake moan* harder daddy~

               She winks at the guy while cocking an eyebrow. I hurry her along into the car and drive away

A: hey come on diane yanno its just a character right? besides the mother fucker was ugly

D: yeah i know...

A: hey...if it makes you uncomfy i wont react like that in public...near you

D: no no i'll get used to uh...where to?

A: bed~

D: that's not what i meant

A:...*sigh* hey i know its kinda a slutty thing to ask but...can i spend the night?...i just don't feel safe yanno?

D: course adie you can stay as long as you need

A: can i go get some stuff from my place first?

D: how about i drop ya off at my place and i run over while you clean up?

A: that'd be great

             Yeah when i say "run over" she doesn't know i mean it. As an unstable, though i'd never hurt anyone, i do have powers. Speeding up, slowing down and pausing shit kinda like in my video. I can run from this side to the end of town in less then 2 mins if i wanted to and not break a sweat. I pull up to my place and she walks inside as i park. I speed over to her place and walk in...i get a text from her

A: hey btw i have these boxes under my bed plz bring the red 1 *don't* open it...also my pikachu onzie pls lol luv u

G: *chuckle* red box huh

                   I walk in and grab a small suitcase and start packing her lace bras and thongs. Then i get on my elbows and knees and sure enough see a rainbow of boxes under her bed, organized...i grab the red one and put it in her suit case. Then i see her pikachu onzie on her bed and pack it with a pair of jeans, boots and some shirts...yanno  

Maxine POV

                The pain has gone down thanks to some drugs the nurses gave me...i wonder how long i was bleeding

I: *sigh* why would...anyone do that?

M: what?

I: e-everything? it was a perfect day...h-how could p-people-

M: hey hey don't cry...i can't really get up and hug ya from here...people are ass holes...they hate what they can't have or don't get yanno? honestly i kinda feel bad for em...i don't know and i know you don't, we wouldn't know cus we accept it...but they got put away okay?...its over 

I: so m-many people got hurt...t-there was s-so much-

M: hey shh i know it was bad...come ere

                She rolls her chair closer and i wipe her tears from her eyes

M: don't worry...sooner or later things'll be like this never happen

I: i d-don't think i'll be able to forget

M: yeah i don't think any of us will...but we can make things better 

I: you t-think?

M: i know. trust me okay?...go home...its almost 7 okay? just be carful

I: you sure you don't want me to stay?

M: i can tell you wouldn't be comfortable *chuckle* go sleep in your bed 

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