new heights

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Maxine POV

              After some fun rides and games Iris REALLY wanted to ride the ferris wheel which i'v been avoiding

M: ya REALLY wanna ride that thing? i mean its just so simple 

I: yeah i know pleaseeee

M: *sigh* alright alright 


                I get the tickets and we sit onto one of the HAD to be heights. dont get me wrong i can take roller coasters cus their fast so you hardly notice how high you are but these things just stop ever couple feet. 

Iris POV

               We get up a couple feet and wow...the sky's a shade of orange...its already that late? I turn to Maxine who looks...stiff as a'am you good?

I: hey max you okay?

M: h-hm me? y-yeah im uh- OH SHIT WE MOVING AGAIN 

I: hey hey maxie you okay?

M: i...i u-um

                  We're almost at the top at this point and she looks terrified...wait...wait shes...scared of heights.

I: wait maxie are you scared of hieghts?

M: m-maybe 

                She turns her head a lil and looked down. She goes back and i see her holding back tears. I grab her hand and she looks at me.

I: hey hey its okay im sorry i didnt know you had fear of heights 

M: n-nu its n-not

I: why didnt you tell me?

M: i d-din't want you to t-think i'm a pussy

I: max no i wouldnt think that

                      It stop us at the top of the wheel.

I: hey take a deep breath okay?

M: o-okay

                    She breaths in and out best she can.

I: nothings gonna happen okay? i know its kinda scary but you gotta see the beauty in it

M: h-how?

                        I motion for her to look to her left. She slowly turns and the seat shakes a lil.

M: AH no i c-cant do it

I: sure you can max dont worry you wont fall i promise here *hold hand* i wont let go okay?

                      She slowly turns her head and looks at the view. The sun is setting making the sky orange and purple, meeting the water making a really pretty horizon. 

M: w-woah

I: yeah its great 

M: I...its really is

                    I let go of her hand and rub her arm. We slowly start heading back down. The golden light is doing WONDERS for her eyes right now...her eyes are so pretty i'v honestly hardly noticed them. I see a smile appear on her face. Damn shes pretty. Were about half way down when she looks at me

M: i'v...i'v never been able to ride this thing...i ride coasters cus they go by so fast but...i guess that kinda blinded me to the more simple it was always right in front of me and i just wouldnt take the time to notice 

I: yeah i guess life if like that

                      She smiles at me...i look into her eyes...i can feel my hear beating out of my chest must be from being up high. She gives me a hug

M: thanks iris

I: n-no problem max

M: oh and um *pulls away* this like um never-

I: yep aha never happened, God FORBID people knew you were human

M: hey i have a rep to keep up 

I: *chuckle* whatever

                 I playfully give her a lil punch on the cheek.

I: your secrets safe with or 

                    It takes us back down, we get out and I go get the stuffed bear Max left in the item holders. 

M: welp damn that was fun so wanna head home?

I: yeah that'd be nice

                   She drives us back and stops in front of my house. I had her the bear

M: hey nah iris keep it

I: really?

M: yeah ya won it

I: you helped

M: yeah well i want ya to have it

                        I walk up to my door and turn around once its unlocked.

I: thanks max

M: no problem baby girl *winks*

                    She puts her visor back down and does a figure eight picking up dirt then drives off. I guess she wants to hang at the bar which yeah thats more her. I close my door behind me and go change into pjs. I watch some tv holding the bear before turning it off and heading to bed

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