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~~~last night~~~

S: will we all fit on it?

A: are you calling me fat?-


A: that was a joke bear aha-

M: i don't take up much space

A: says the one who pushes me off the bed

M: it was ONE time

A: *chuckle* sure sugar you believe what you want...but yeah we should fit fine, it's a king size...real question is...can i be in the middle?

S: uh sure

A: hell yeah in the middle of my two favorite people in the world 

S: gee great way to treat your sibling allie

A: ...i said favorite people.

Mad: oop-

A: anyways *yawn* lets get to bed i had a long day

S: alright

Mad: YAY

                  We get comfy in bed and i spoon allie. maddie faces us while she cuddles allie

A: *sigh* so...tomorrow we wake up...

S: get ready and meet up with shatter, gemma and the others

Mad: and get Max back

S: so what about Iris?

Mad: she can die in a damn ditch for all i care

A: you don't mean that sugar...yanno how much max cares bout her...i'd do the same for you

S: same here

Mad: i know i just...

                    I reach over to her and put my hand on her head

S: it'll be okay...i know you're mad at her and...i can wrap my head around everything that's happened...but we WILL get max back...and maybe even ir-

Mad: i don't WANT iris back

S: *sigh* ...we'll get max back 

Mad: ...thank guys

A: yeah yeah now shhhh i'm tired

S: you just showered-

Mad: we didn't JUST shower...we did a lil more then that *winks*

S: *rolls eyes* i didn't need the picture 

A: shhhh bed

S: *turns off lights* 

Mad: ...yanno...you could join us some time sammy

S: *sigh* not this again 

                  I bring my fingers to the bridge of my eyebrows and rub em...she KNOWS i'm ace like damn i'd LOVE to do something she CLEARLY loves doing but that's kinda the ONE way i don't swing-

Mad: i know i just figure-

S: look sugar i love you really and...if...there was even a chance of me wanting to i would i just...we ain't all nymphomaniac yanno?

Mad: i'm not nymphomaniac 

S: allie could look at you and you'd wanna fuck

Mad: not true! allie tell em

A: *mumbles* ye...gummy bears are way better then brownies *snores*

Mad: what?-

S: she's kinda sleeping

Mad: no i know...but like brownies are WAY better

S: *chuckle* agreed...but...maddie i-

Mad: i know i know i'm sorry

S: ...it's okay...g'night maddie

Mad: night night honeybear

A: *mumbles* nigh... 

~~~present time~~~

                         We hang out in the dining room while thinking of plans. Maddie decides to cook breakfast 

A: *sigh* shit

S: what?

A: i just realized i'll have to call off today's shows at the circus!...aw man i hate doing that. When ruby's gone it's not as much of an issue because she's not the MAIN attraction *I* AM the MAIN person people come for if *I'M* gone it doesn't go unnoticed                     

Mad: ...my sister could be DEAD for all we know...and you're worried about a FUCKING SHOW ARE YOU HIGH??? *burns hand* AH SHIT

S: are you oka-

Mad: I'M fine...my *SISTER* COULD BE *DEAD*

A: sugar of COURSE i'm more worried about max i just...i hate letting the kids down i n-need to think of what to do-

S: ...how bout the newbie ya hired?

A: what?

S: um...what was their nam-

M: jackass

S: hey! they're new gimee a break-

M: no their NAME is jackass

S: ...oh-

A: ooooh right right...i mean i haven't even showed em the ropes-

Mad: yuh hired em for the clown position they ain't ain't bouta almost kill their girlfriends with flaming swords or anything

A: that was ONE time

Mad: yeah ONE time you ALMOST killed me with flaming swords...*sigh* look i understand it's your job so call them up...

                 I help Maddie set the table for breakfast. She winks at us yanno like she do

A: ...okay you guys are right i mean the newbies need SOMETHING to do anyways...i gave em a job...lets just hope they do it right

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