i won't repeat it

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Maxine POV

                 I wake up around 8...cool that's like the earliest i'v woken up alone. I change and walk out the door. I wouldn't mind meeting Jade its been a WHILE seen we've hung out. I drive over on my motorcycle. I see ruby's front door open and stop...Violet?-


M: w-why were you in...is she in there?

V: y-yes...max you cant tell anyone yanno how people would react

                 I mean if even i'm kinda confused i'm sure everyone else would be pissed or like protective

M: *chuckle* well thankfully ya just got me

V: yeah so i guess i shouldn't worry to much. It's not like you can do much


V: i m-mean like you wouldn't do that yanno?

M: y-yeah sure...anyways so ya gonna tell me...your still wearing the same clothes-

             she didn't-

V: hm? OH NO NONONO its nothing like that i just didn't wanna leave her

M: uhhh...uh huh?

V: NO i mean i...*sigh* come in

                I follow her into the house...there's scratch marks on the door frame...the place is kinda a mess. She opens a door and i walk in to see...ruby. Shes on her bed but...it looks like a hospital room in here. Ruby looks at me...her facial expression changes to pissed and her eyes start flashing-

R: w-what the HELL is she doing here?

V: r-ruby please relax okay? she saw me walking out

R: *groans* DAMN IT! look max if you tell ANYONE and people give her a hard time i SWEAR...i s-sw...*cough*

V: hey ruby shhhh she won't

R: h-how the hell do you know?

M: hey your secrets safe with me okay?

R: i d-don't know vi-

                Violet walks up to her and i see a light blue glow coming from her face...ruby seems to calm down and let her eyes fade back to their normal brown color. 

V: trust me okay? don't get so worked up your still weak

                Violet sits on the chair next to ruby and i get a better look at her...shes pale and honestly looks tired. She carefully lifts her hand and points a finger at Violet

R: i f-fucking mean it max...she's the only person w-who's given me a fucking c-chance...if you tell any fucking one i fucking sw-

V: ruby come on you don't have to make every other word a bad one

R: i c-can't really f-fucking help it

                Violet holds ruby's hand...she looks shocked at her

R: i...i-i'll try...now get the hell outta here b-both of you...you'll just g-get in more trouble violet

V: don't worry about me

R: p-please just f-fuck...*sigh* p-please go

               Me and Violet leave and close the front door...i lean back on the wall blowing hair outta my face

M: is she okay?

V: no...she...i don't know...but i'v always had a feeling it...i know her character is one thing but she's different i'v SEEN it...there's something else there max...there's something making her do it 

M: but...who? what? like i mean...hmmm

V: look i KNOW its not her...she can be nice when she wants to

M: *sigh* alright...i'll be your diary *chuckle* 

V: aha its not even your song...still kinda works tho thanks max

M: no problem...i'ma go now

V: yeah same

                I start driving to Jade's place...i wonder...what if Violet's right? I pull up and see Jade holding her hands out at one of her flowers in her front yard

M: hey jade what you doing?

J: hm? oh hey max been a while! um practicing is all

M: practicing...what?

J: i've noticed...my powers seem to work in my favor depending on my emotions or reflexes soooo...i'm seeing if i can learn to really yanno...use em

M: must be cool having powers and all

J: not really...i'm not...special 

M: pffttt

J: *chuckle* 

M: good one 

J: yeah anyways i mean its okay yanno like...honestly i'd rather not have them

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