The End of the Beginning

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"If you're the devil, then what the hell is going on? You have hell hounds running around. Oh my god, I just kissed the devil! My life is ruined.. You're going to make my life a living hell, aren't you? Not that you haven't been doing that already," Isabelle rambled.

Lucian only laughed at her. She shot him daggers and he toned it down a tad; he bent down and the hound wagged its tail before stopping in front of Lucian.

Isabelle could feel the heat emanating from the hound; it felt like she was the one on fire. She rubbed her leg and retreated by a few steps away from the creatures of hell.

"Probably should have told you to stand back; the heat from them would usually kill your kind, but you're different," he said to her.

"I knew you were the devil all this time. You and that psychopath with the scythe talking about me dying all the time. It's insane and unbelievable, but I know I'm different," Isabelle said.

"Good. Then I won't have to explain that you're coming with me," he smiled.

"No way in he—.." she stopped herself when he looked at her with a raised brow. "No! You can't just kidnap me and take me with you. I don't even know you! For all I know, you'll take me somewhere I don't want to be and do horrible things to me."

He chuckled, "You wish! I wouldn't touch you even if my life depended on it."

For some reason, she felt a pang in her chest when he said that, and oddly enough, he could feel that same sensation.

He cleared his throat while she stood there in silence. "Well I can't just let you go now that you know. I have to erase your memories."

"It won't last. Every time you do that, I always regain my memories," she whispered.

She didn't know what came over her; she didn't consciously know such a thing.

"Wait, what? You're immune to my power? This is some serious shit. Come here," he commanded.

"No." She looked at him and he felt strange. He couldn't move any muscles at the moment.

He sent the hound back to its rightful place down below and stared at Belle for some time. She looked at him, pain and frustration written across her face. He wanted so badly to reach out but mentally berated himself for wanting to do so.

"I'll forget about you," she said suddenly, "You don't have to worry about me telling anyone; they'd think I was crazy anyway. I don't want anything to do with you. I want a life in heaven; I don't want to be denied my place because I was dragged away by the king of hell."

She blew a breath, "You don't have to worry about me. Just go on about your business. Thanks for everything, but this is it. I don't want to be in cahoots with you."

She looked at him for the last time and left, turning away from him and pushing herself through the bushes. His legs moved on their own and grabbed her back. He smashed his lips against hers again, allowing the megawatts to be shared between them. He hugged her tightly, not wanting to let go.

"Lucian," she breathed heavily pulling away from him. "We can't. We're different and I'm serious about heaven. I don't want that to be compromised."

"You'd be surprised about the whole hell & heaven ideology. That book you people love reading is full of lies written by your government morons. There's only some truth in it. I don't know what you think heaven is, but I guarantee that it's different from what you think it is," he replied.

"Oh well. I still want to go either way. Hell is for bad people. I've been nice my entire life even if people weren't nice to me. I stayed clear of the bullies and I never said anything bad about anyone. You should respect my decision. Leave me alone. It isn't like you actually want to be around me so stop kissing me and let me go."

He said firmly, "No."
"Why?" She inquired.

He explained, "Because if I let you go, I know someone else will steal you away from me and I can't have that. I need you and if I have to take you by force, then I will. In any situation, you're leaving with me and what I say goes."

"You're not the boss of me! You can't tell me what I can and can't do! You're a lunatic and a bully and a self-centered bastard!"

The bitterness played across his face as his jaw locked and his fists balled up. She felt the need to apologize but kept mum.

"You're making this harder than it needs to be," he said.

"And you're not understanding. I'm not coming with you," she folded her arms.

"Then I'll kidnap you."
She yelled at him, "You won't do anything!"

The bushes rustled behind her. She moved away and in came Jason in his biker jacket with lipstick smeared on his lips and cheeks.

He began, "I'm sorry Bella. It happened before I even knew and I thought you weren't interested in me. She told me you weren't coming and that you probably weren't interested and then she suggested we hook up. I declined at first but she really had me convinced you weren't coming because the booth was closing soon and you still hadn't shown up. I'm really sorry, Bella. I really am. Please forgive me."

"I forgive you; I'm not mad. Jen always gets what she wants and to me, you two make the perfect match. So go ahead; forget about me and make things happen with Jennifer."

Jason was taken aback, "This is my first time hearing you call her Jennifer. Are you okay?" Jason looked at Lucian.

She replied, "Yes, I'm okay. Just go."

"I'm really sorry. Just give me another chance and I'll prove to you that I'm really worth the risk. I'm a good guy. Please believe me. I never meant to hurt you."

"It's fine, Jason. Get back to the party," she said trying to clarify that she was really okay.

He didn't understand so Lucian swooped in and pivoted Bella and kissed her, tongues swirling and lips biting in front of Jason's glaring eyes. When Lucian pulled away from the kiss, he left Bella dumbfounded.

"I hope you're convinced now. She's with me. Go away," Lucian said in an authoritative tone. Jason gave them one last look before leaving; he was sorry and he was hurt by what he had just seen. He exited the bushes and went back to find Jennifer.

"Stop doing that! Asshole," Bella cursed Lucian.
He shrugged, "I had to do something or he would never leave us."

"I hate you. You're stealing kisses and being demanding. What is all of this? What do you want from me?" She was on the verge of a breakdown. It hurt him to see her in such a state.

So he answered truthfully, "I want you to come with so I can use your powers to build an army."

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