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Part Two


The day whizzed by and I was left to think that the semester was suddenly coming to an end and it was approaching faster than I expected.

Lucian and I made up and resigned our deal, but I only ever went to Hell to give blood. It was as if he was avoiding me whenever I was in town.

Soon it was the middle of October. I hardly saw Lucian anymore, and when I did, we only ever gave each other a quick glance of scrutiny or disgust. Noelle and I had began to hang out more and we'd even have sleepovers. Colton and I became friends (or more?? I don't know) after his incident and Jen was back to being a busybody after she was permitted to be on the team again. It turns out that Tina was actually with Brad and after Brad broke Tina's heart, she finally let Jennifer rejoin the team.

I completely skipped over a few things, didn't I? So, let's rewind.
"I can't believe how you're moving on so quick, Bunny. I mean.. I just didn't think you had it in you, that's all. You hate boys, so I'm wondeirng what brought about this sudden change? Oh.. don't tell me," Jen teased. I ignored her and continued to fish through my backpack for my notebook.

Jen continued, "It's because of that sexy devil, isn't it? He was your forbidden fruit, wasn't he? He made you open your eyes to see what you could actually have a piece of if you only just reached for it."

"Jen," I nagged.
She waved her hand at me in dismissal, "Hey, I'm not judging. I'm glad he opened your eyes to the opposite sex. I was afraid you'd die a lonely virgin. Just be careful, Bunny."

"Oh, Jen. It's never that serious. We're still in school and exams are coming up. So are the scouting positions and pre-college selectorials. I don't have the time for your nonsense, " I replied, "Ah! Finally found it." I pulled the notebook from my backpack.

"You know, you two are the loudest in this class. And trust me, that's saying something when there are multiple other girls in this room," a voice said.

"Tell me you didn't hear everything we just said," I whined.
"I can pretend I didn't. Though, I hope you don't hate me because I'm also a boy," jested Colton.

"I wish you three would just get a room already. It would be nice to actually have some peace and quiet for once."

I whipped my head around to see Lucian. It took a moment for his words to register, but before they did, I was kind of happy to see him. I felt a smile coming before it dropped altogether. Lucian looked at me with a puzzled face. To think that I'd be happy to see him.

"Still an ass, I see. Why don't you just disappear and do whatever it is that you've been doing as of late and make yourself sparce, hm? We wouldn't need a room then, would we?"

"Like I'd give you lot the satisfaction!" Lucian rose a brow at us and before he could speak, he was rudely interrupted by the top tier of the school.

I looked at Tina's face and her swollen, puffy eyes and I could instantly tell by the red in the rim that she had been crying. She requested to see Jennifer in private and I could tell that she silently wished I'd come too. So I stood up and exited class right along with them. We went to the only spot that would prove helpful. Yes-- the restroom that no one used. Although, now it had become the restroom that I and my group of friends had come to use.

After we entered, we were silent for a moment before Tina just burst into tears. "I thought he really loved me. I did. I did. But can you believe it? Mardrid? Of all people, Mardrid! How could he? He left me for a nerd. A nerd, Jen."

"You reap what you sow, Tean," (Jen's nickname for Tina).
"Not only that. I get that you're heartbroken and I'm all for empowerment and comfort or anythihng else you need, but we don't degrade other women for their preferences. Mardrid never did anything bad to you. Brad did! So put the blame on Brad and not Mardrid," I corrected.

She bawled uncontrollably again, "I'm sorry, guys. I'm really sorry," she sniffed, "You're right. I shouldn't misplace the blame. I'm just.. really sorry Jen. For the way things ended up between us, how things got out of hand, how I went behind your back and kicked you off the team." She turned to me afterward, "And I owe you an apology too. I'm really sorry for being such a bitch to you and trying to steal your man in front of you."

We laughed it out and gave Tina a group hug. "We girls gotta stick together, you know? But I just need you to know that Lucian and I were never a thing. So I'm not mad at you for trying to steal something that was never mine to begin with."

"Oh? It's good to know that you have a thing for Lucian, but I was tallking about Colton. I totally hit on him in fornt of you when he first came here. But I see that doesn't bother you because you have your eyes on someone else," Tina smiled.

"Wait.. what?"

The two giggled at me before Tina spoke again. "His second day here, I flirted with him in front of you. But if it makes you feel any better, Lucian is great for you. All he's ever done is protect you. Even a blind person could see that. But as of late, I"ve been seeing him with Miss Priss a lot, so I guess it's time you do move on with Colton."

"Who knows? Maybe you'll be Mrs. Colton Gray. Maybe I'll get to be a bridesmaid," Jen teased.
"Whatever! Let's go. We're probably missing the lesson." I shook my head at the two brats that I considered my friends. Colton and Lucian.. boys that tend to always end up on my mind.

We entered class again and it was almost as if we didn't miss a thing. i looked to Lucian but he gave me one of those looks that said he didn't do anything.

"Thanks," I mouthed. And he gave me a shrug.

A tap on my shoulder made me spin to my hind right. Colton whispered into my ear, "Picnic and your favorite movie tonight at our spot? Don't say no."

"How could I? You're on."
"Great. I'll pick you up around five," he flashed me a smile before resuming to talk to his friends again.

"You're getting good at this, Bunny. Keep it up and I might have to start taking notes from you."

"Eh, what can I say? It's just my charm," I gave her my best Italian accent and she had a fit of giggles that almost landed us in trouble.

"On a serious note.." Jen began.
"No thanks, Jen," I interrupted. "No serious anything. Your imagination tends to run wild when you give it the chance. Just pay attention if you want that cheerleading scholarship."

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