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Chapter one: Daydream

•Sarah's POV•

My mom died when I was twelve. I lost half of my heart that day. You're supposed to have a bond with your mother anyway, but my bond with my mom was so much deeper than that. She was my literal best friend.

I was a weird kid. I didn't fit in. I only had one friend. I never stuck up for myself and when I finally did, I was reprimanded for being mean and got beaten by the kids outside of school later. I was even labeled a bully but it didn't stick. No one believe I could be a bully. So that made the bond between my mother and I stronger than ever.

But when I was ten, my father lost his job as a carpenter. He went on a down spiral. He tried to apply for other jobs, but no one would accept him. He turned to alcohol and started to abuse my mom.

Her body became weaker after all the hits she took. The bruises weren't even bruises anymore. They looked like reducing chickenpox, but without the bump. Broken bones became a regular thing when I was eleven.

I tried so hard to protect my mother. Once, when he was attacking her, I tried to step in. I had a kitchen knife in my right hand. I was nervous but my adrenaline was rushing. I was gonna kill him. Just for my mom.

She saw me and begged me to go away. She wanted me to take the knife back and go hide. She didn't want me to see how he attacked her or hear his verbal slurs. She tried to protect me, but it was illogical at this point. I heard everything from my room. When I saw her bruises, I already knew how she got them. It didn't make any sense to me.

Why didn't she fight back? Was she too tired to do so? Or maybe she just couldn't. He was the love of her life. She couldn't have seen that coming that. I mean, no one could.

My dad used to be my angel. I remember everything we used to do together. We went to parks every Saturday morning and then had burgers right after. I remember him pushing me on the swings until I didn't want to swing anymore. His hands and arms had to be tired, but he did it for me anyway.

I remember getting ice cream after every Sunday dinner. I remember how I dropped my ice cream cone and cried like a baby. He gave me his and I bawled even harder.

"It's okay, Sarah. I can always buy me another." That's what he said.

I felt bad but the way he smiled at me made me forget I even had ice cream. His hazel eyes twinkled when he smiled and that's how I knew the smile was genuine.

When he lost his job, he lost that image. He became the devil to me. He even cried at her funeral. He cried harder than anyone. I don't even remember the funeral. It felt like five minutes to me. I saw my mom in her casket and she was so beautiful.

Her blonde hair had been curled and her makeup was subtle but nonetheless gorgeous. She had a light pink lipstick on her lips. I kissed my mom's cold cheek before the casket was closed. I don't remember what happened after that. I only remember crying myself to sleep that Saturday night, and even though I was grieving, the sleep I had that night was the best I ever had.

As the years went on, my father forgot about my presence. He only acknowledged me when I had doctor appointments or something of that nature.

I was only glad that my parents already bought this house before I was born because if they didn't, we'd be homeless. My mother was a nurse and she made ends meets after my father lost his job. I always admired her strength because I know she was worn out, but she worked anyway. She did it just for me.

The only friend I had in high school was Emma Jarner. She reminded me of my mom; I guess that's why we were best friends. She even looked similar to my mom when my mom was young. A part of me thought that was God's way of sending me a guardian angel.

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