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Chapter 20: Apologies
*picture above says: "I'm sorry"

Lucian's POV

Gamora chimed in, "Please! Save Isabelle!"
"Alright," I screamed.

I returned to the human realm and it was already dark. Through the plane, I could see she was being led away from Devil's Corner by a bider. She wasn't in any real danger anymore, but what was she doing here anyway? This had to be my father's doing.

She could've seriously been hurt; they don't call it Devil's Corner for no reason. By the time I actually exited the plane I was traveling through, she was sitting on one of the swings in her neighborhood park. She didn't even notice that I was walking close to her.

I stopped about three feet away; she seemed to be deep in thought as her curly, brown hair swayed slightly while she was staring at the ground below the foot of the swing.

I walked to the adjacent swing and sat down; when my presence still went unnoticed by her, I decided to clear my throat to get her attention. She snapped out of her daze and looked to her left in confusion and fear.

She was surprised to see me, and was about to say something, but didn't.

"So, what's so important that you didn't notice someone walking up to you? If I was someone else, you would've been kidnapped by now," I said.

"Well, it's a good thing that it's you, huh?" She joked.

"It's always a good thing that it's me. I mean— who else could be me? No one," I said.

"You must have a master's degree in the language of arrogance," she said.

"I always speak in arrogance, but you didn't answer my question," I said.

"What question?" She asked.
"What's keeping you so deep in thought?"

"Oh, that," she said, "Well, I was with a friend earlier and he was telling me a story and I had a shitty day and I just needed to think and I'm not ready to go home and this is one of my happy places."

"You ramble when you're flustered, huh?"

"Sorry about that. Haven't you heard? About Jen & Jason and all of the other stuff," she asked.

"Yeah and I think you'd be surprised at how I responded."

She tilted her head at me, "What do you mean? How did you respond?"

"I may or may not have said some harsh things to your friend and I also may or may not have broken a few of her boyfriend's friends' bones," I shrugged.

She stared at me in disbelief and let out a gasp, but it was shortly followed by a laugh.

"Tell me you didn't," she laughed more, "But why?" She wiped a tear from her eye.

"They're assholes," I said.

She said, "That's not enough; I want the full story."

"Well, first of all, this morning, I was trying to ask you if you were okay when I tapped you. I was going to be nice to you for once. I'd heard everything when you and Jen squabbled and I was gonna make sure you weren't gonna do anything stupid," I confessed.

"Well, thanks, even though I did run off and do something stupid," she added, "Was that all?"

"Nope. I made her cry."

"Omg! What could you have possibly said to make Jennifer cry?" She asked.

I asked, "Why do you care so much? She's not a good friend for you. Don't you realize that?"

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