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Part Two


I was home attending to crucial matters. The Elders and the council were working my last fried nerve. The annual Fire Ball was coming up and I'd been away from the hell and horrors of the mortal realm of high school due to the preparations and all the duties that have come along recently. I rarely had the chance to see Bella anymore these days, but I was more than satisfied with seeing her smile and still enjoying her books underneath that depressing tree. Though, nowadays, she would be spending her time with the new boy on the block.

But I didn't have the luxury to think about her or her worthless decisions right now.

Recently, there has a been rise in riots in the northern part of the kingdom. I sent Megi and her troops to handle it, but they haven't returned yet. I sent Yuhan to the border of the East, Darchnia, to monitor the citizens. I really didn't need any distractions this time around the season. But, deep down inside, I knew everything would turn out okay because no matter what part of the kingdom people are from, they would be on their best behavior when it came down to the Ball. It would be their way out or rather, anyone's way out.

I was summoned by the council today after I had a meeting with Yuhan and Megi to hear their reports on the borders. The Northern part of the kingdom, Creaix, was the biggest and had the most diverse group of people, so naturally, it was the one with the most problems. Creaix, Darchnia, Vipros (South), Xuvia (West) are the four regions of the kingdom of Hell. My castle sits in the middle and everyone just refers to it as Hell. It isn't a part of any region and has its own border along with its own culture. These citizens are usually the most informed and civilized.

The council was comprised of seven members and there were five Elders. There's also a three member group called Chism to even out equivocal votes. So altogether, that's fifteen members that were on my ass. I had to try my best to keep most of them pleased. Some were up to no good, some were genuinely on my side and supported me, some didn't care at all, but I still had to keep them happy.

"Nice of you to finally show up," Edith said as soon as materialized in the Greater Room.
"Ah, I was considering to not even come today, but I guess you caught me at a better moment of my days," I retorted.

"Still sarcastic as ever, my Lord," Beatrice laughed, "How are things?"
"As good as ever. Are you all still planning to attend the Fire Ball?" I asked.

"Of course," Valerio said in his usually dark tone. He reminded me of the character Snake from the Daniel Kettle books. He was always dressed in black and his voice was laced with a certain serious detachment that I sometimes admired.

"Then don't," I jested.
"Still have the energy to make such remarks, do you?" Lady Tory fanned herself.

"Shall we get down to business right now? I have things to do besides babysit," Bruce said, "It's ptiful how you all decide to sit around and waste time." Bruce upturned his nose.

"Why are you so easily agitated? By lord, when can we meet your wife again?" Liam laughed. He was the most cheerful in the council.

"Can we please get on? You're wasting my life minutes," Alex pleaded.
"Alright, alright," I said.

"First and foremost, we demand that you bring that human girl with you sometimes so we can examine her closely. She's seen our kind and there's something about her blood that makes our demons stronger. I want to see why you and your right hand man are so infatuated with her. Is she good in bed at least? Does the Lord care for her more than we know? Do tell," Edith pried.

"You demand me to do what?" I creased a brow. "Are you forgetting who's the Lord and who's the council, here? I demand you apologize before I have your head cut off and set on the fence of the castle for everyone to see," I could feel my eyes glowing and my claws growing.

"I'm sorry my Lord," she bowed to me. She stayed there until I allowed her to raise her head.
"Now discuss whatever you need please," I smiled.

So they did and the meeting ran smoothly, even with Yuhan & Megi quietly entering the room. I was, for once, almost happy that a meeting didn't end with them prying into my personal life. But you know you should never speak too soon.

"Ah and before we forget," Lady Tory began.

"Bring a date!" They said in unison and gave me a smile before exiting elegantly in a fit of laughter with each's arms hooked into one another (females) or an arm thrown around each other (males).

"I'd be happy to oblige, my Lord," Lena's voice broke through from the silence.

"I don't think the Lord wants any of you anymore. I think he has his eyes set on a certain someone," Yuhan declared.

"Like hell he'd go with someone else besides me or Charlotte. You can't trick me," Lena replied with an eye roll.

"Thank you but no thanks. Yuhan, Megi, you're dismissed." They bowed and left us alone. Lena suddenly turned around and rushed to the door. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked.

She closed the door and locked it before strutting back to me. "I'm merely pleasing my Lord." She dropped to her knees and began to unzip my pants.

I gave her a devilish smirk, "And who said you could please me? You can't seduce me when you don't have anything seductive about you anymore. Your efforts will be for naught, but I would be a fool to deny a lady--no, rather than to deny myself the pleasure of release. So do your best."

And so she did. She slowly brought my member out, but I didn't find her all that attractive anymore. The only reason I was solid was because the council talked about that dumb girl and ever since, I couldn't take my mind off of her. I was sitting in a daze and only caught bits and pieces of the conversation. I gave faint nods to convince them that I was actually listening, but Isabelle ran through my mind. And I thought, since they were so concerned about meeting her, I decided I'd ask her to the ball.

"That's enough. You've lost your snazz," I zipped up my pants and left her with a slobbery, agape mouth. "Just give it up."

Later, there was Thanatos popping up to disturb me. "Go away," I sighed.

"I was wondering if you're free and I see that you are so I think I'm going to kidnap you for a few seconds," He whisked us away in a portal to a spot that I was familiar with. It was the park close to Bella's home. To my surprise, Bella was in the car with her boy toy swapping saliva like there was no tomorrow.

"Uh-oh, I have the worst timing, as they say," Thanatos laughed, "I'm leaving. I can sense the anger, my dear friend." Thanatos disappeared and I didn't even care.

She was so angry that I kissed her, albeit I don't know why I did it, but she has no problem letting him kiss her. Even as passionate as that. So I waited until she got out his car to approach her. I didn't even know what I wanted to say. I was so angry. I was furious. I knew this feeling but I didn't know why I was feeling this way.

I guess she heard my footsteps because she knew it was me before she evn turned around. "What do you want, Lucian? Why are you following me?"

I was sure I'd lash out at her but the moment I saw her face, all the anger subsided and it was replaced with a giddy feeling. I asked her to the dance and she said yes. I told her she'd have a fitting for a dress and she nodded. We talked on our way to her house and then I bowed and left.

I was home in no time.
"I knew you cared for her, but I never knew you were in love with her," Yuhan teased, "The big bad wolf turned into a puddle of slime before his lover. You should have seen yourself."

"Go away!"
"Whatever you say, my Lord," Yuhan laughed before leaving.

I set everything up for Bella. I decided we'd wear red. She looked absolutely stunning in anything she wore, but red was one of those colors that just complemented her skin. I could hardly wait.

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