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Chapter Fifteen: Marked by the Grim Reaper

Isabelle's POV

I awoke from my dream, heart racing & pounding with fear. My alarm was blaring and my mom was beating on my door, yelling at me to wake up. That's right, today is the day I go back to school.

I felt my throat and instinctively ran to my bathroom mirror; sure enough, there was a hand print around my neck. I guess I'd cover it up for today.

What do I mean? I have to cover it up today. I rummaged through my closet to find a turtleneck or something. Of course, I'd look a little silly, but I'd just say it's for fashion. I planned to come up with an elaborate excuse later. Whyyyy!???

Why today? Why does the reaper hate me so much? Why am I one who gets tormented by such a sicko?

I couldn't even find a turtleneck, so I did the only thing I could think of. I grabbed a windbreaker & a scarf just in case. Now that I think about it, do I even own a turtleneck? I made myself laugh questioning such silly things.

I was surprised to learn that my mom had snuck up on me, looking at me go crazy for something this early in the morning.

"Honey, what are you doing," she asked.

I spun around frantically and I saw her eyes bulge; she gasped and covered her mouth in shock. I was such an idiot; she'd already seen it now, but I instinctively threw my hands around my neck to try to hide the mark.

In one breath, she iterated, "What the hell, Belle! What happens to your neck? Who did that to you? Come here, let me see. Oh my god!"

"Mom, calm down. Just get me some ice or something. And please quit screaming before dad comes and causes irreparable damage."

I shooed her away, pushing her out of my room and locking the door behind her. Ugh! What made her sneak up on me anyway? Doesn't she know what privacy is?

I sighed in frustration. Curse you damn reaper! I went and took a long shower, wrapping a cold towel around my neck with a little alcohol while I bathed. When I was done, I put some cream on it and got dressed.

I woke up with so much energy, but now I was drowsy. I angrily placed my shoes on and grabbed my belongings, heading downstairs to the kitchen. I didn't even bother to wear my windbreaker.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the icebag that my mom prepared and hurriedly put it on my neck. I really hope this works. I rolled my eyes and ate my breakfast while trying to keep the ice on my neck.

My dad didn't question me and just looked at me in a funny manner; after I was done, I stomped out without a word. I then turned around out of guilt and stuck my head in the door.

"Thanks, mom!" I shouted. "See ya, dad!"

I then ran away, hanging on to my bag of ice by a mere thread. It was so frickin cold, but oh well. By the time I got past the neighborhood store, I was out of breath and shaking.

It was then that a car blowed their horn at me; this prick! Why can't today just be a good day? I turned around, intending to give the driver a full-fledged piece of my mind.

I pivoted on my heel, only to see Lucian smiling like a lunatic in his blue Chevy; I cursed him inwardly and glared at him. I ignored him and continued on my path to school before I was late.

He followed me, letting down his window and beckoning me to get in. After I realized he wouldn't stop, I finally took his offer and entered his car.

"You're so stubborn," he said as soon as I entered.
I retorted, "Well, thank you captain obvious."

He gave me a disdainful glance and smashed the gas fairly hard; I thought I was going to die by the way he was driving. There was no reason to be going this fast! Where are the damn police??

I clutched my heart, entangling my shirt with my fingers tightly; Lucian saw this fretful sight and burst into laughter.

"What's so funny? Slow down!"

He replied, "You look like you're about to die. OR vomit; but whichever comes, please don't do it in my car."

I rolled my eyes at him, but I stiffened at the mention of death. I looked at Lucian for a while, trying to convey if he was actually the devil. There was no way! I wouldn't believe that.

Pridefully, he spoke, "Why are you staring at me? Am I that handsome? Do you want to ask me out?"

I scoffed, "You wish."

Right on time, we arrived at school. I don't know why he parked so far away when there were empty spots at the closest lot; I quizzically looked at him and he only gave me a shrug.

I exited his car, running towards the school; it felt so good to be back since I missed a whole week. As I was dashing, I thought about Noelle; every since she started dating Rick, she didn't walk to school that much anymore. Oh what do I know? I did miss a week.

I halted my run once I was near the entrance; I entered and went straight for my locker. As I was walking there, everyone greeted me and gave me small, encouraging words along with praise. I guess they were impressed by my actions.

Upon reaching my locker, Jason & Jennifer magically appeared, smiling and beckoning me forward.

"Welcome back," Jen greeted.
Jason asked, "Are you feeling okay? Do we need to go to the office?"

I replied, "Thanks, Jen."
I turned to Jason and said, "You're such a worry wart. I'm okay. Let's go to class while you two catch me up on what I missed."

They nodded and we walked to his locker then we headed for Jen's. I was reluctant to keep walking because Lucian was at his locker. He was having a conversation with someone on his phone, so that gave me courage to keep walking.

I was silent while Jennifer and Jason conversed; I didn't want to let Lucian know I was in his presence. He might do something crazy or end up making me angry; either way, I don't want that.

Jen spoke, "So the dance is coming up, Bunny! Are you still not going?"

I eyed her and she immediately apologized. I answered her, "I don't know. Those type of events aren't exactly my thing. Besides, why should I? It's not like I'm gonna die if I don't go."

She tensed at the mention of death and I instinctively gave her a sorry smile. Jason, on the other hand, couldn't do anything but laugh.

This caused Jen to ask what was funny and his response warned him a pinch on his side. He playfully pouted and then turned to me.

"You should go. Would you be willing to go with me?"

I was involuntarily stunned for a moment. Did he just ask me out? No way!

He shyly scratched his neck, "You don't have to say yes. I just thought you'd be willing to go with me since Jen would be taken."

"Uh.." no words would come out for me.
"Just forget it," he sighed and walked towards the exit.

"Bunny! Hello!!! Go get that fine piece of meat. He finally gave a girl like you the time of day and you're letting him walk off. Go catch him before I burn you alive!" She shoved me away.

I spun around, "What do you mean by 'a girl like me?' Was does that mean?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that, but don't let him walk away. The dance is in two weeks now. Go catch him, Bunny before it's too late. You know these girls are so persistent so he might be persuaded due to his vulnerability because of you," she reasoned.

I nodded and dashed for Jason, bumping into Lucian at the exit.

Tell me what you think! Please. Was this too long?

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