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I felt a cold sweep through my body, making the hairs on my spine rise up. As I contemplated turning around, my heart was racing. I twisted slightly, cautiously raising my eyes to see the awful thing staring at me. Despite everything telling me to flee, I was so overcome with fear that I couldn't move.

Run! Get away! My legs won't move; why? I screamed, "Move, damn it! Move!" in a state of desperation. My legs eventually began to move on their own.

Over my head, the cliff was engulfed by a gulf of wind. I kept sprinting til I had to stop to regain my breath. I finally threw a glance behind me to witness two creatures engaged in combat. One large, brawny creature possessed a sinuous, gray lizard tail. His preferred  weapon was a war ax, which he used with great dexterity. His red war armor was ragged, and you could see the scales on his back, some of which were missing in a few places, as well as a few scars that were clearly visible. His damaged, flimsy wings didn't leak any blood. The other creature had blue skin and facial visual markings. He wielded a machete as a support weapon, and his armor garments were basically nonexistent. His private was the only thing he had covered.

I was relieved to be out of that situation. I wiped away a cold perspiration from my forehead. I crouched down and closed my eyes as the dust kicked up when the ground began to tremble. I fanned the dirt away from my face and looked around. I wanted to yell. "Holy, fuck," I muttered to myself.

They were all over the place. All of the monsters that surrounding me were fighting. I can't believe I was just now looking behind me. They fought on the land and rolled in the dirt; they also took the clouds in the sky with their combat. I couldn't keep up with their movements at all. It happened too quickly. I'd never seen so much action, blood, and power in one location.

"I gotta get out of here," I lowered my gaze to my hands. I was clutching my satchel for dear life. My ring was still shining bright red, and I tried to return my focus to Lucian. 'Ah," I was knocked to the ground, desperately attempting to regain my breath without breathing the dust. I coughed as I tried to sprint to my bag, which had been knocked a meter away. Pain shot through my hand when a soldier's foot fell on my hand. I saw my life flash before my eyes as I gazed at the soldier.

Mom, dad, my friends and Lucian-- they came to me beautifully and peacefully as I felt a tear stream down my face. God, Lucian, someone help me. Am i going to die again? I'd finally found somewhere I belonged. I wasn't quite ready to leave.

At that moment, i was absolutely terrified. the time. With wide, scared eyes, I held my breath. I was convinced the soldier was peering into my soul. I had every reason to believe that this was going to be the end of the road. But then someone tackled him out of nowhere, throwing us all into pandemonium. As I struggled to get to my bag, I gathered myself, recuperating slowly from the pain. It didn't appear to be that far. If only I could get to it. Please allow me to retrieve my satchel. I said a prayer. Allow me to get to Lucian.

I took off with a quick hop. My little attempts to get closer to my pouch made me wince. I examined my leg and discovered a large gash on the back of it. My leg was covered in my own red liquid. It fueled my motivation even more. With two more skips, I pushed myself even further. When I took my final leap and reached down to grab my brown pouch, searing agony struck my body. I lowered my gaze to the spike jutting from my abdomen.

I'd been struck. I glanced down at my ring. "I'm sorry, Lucian," I sobbed. He was correct; I shouldn't have been here, but I couldn't stop myself. The ring was blazing, and I hoped the pouch would function as it did the last time. Look at me now. My death is a strike. My face was covered in tears of regret. "I'm sorry," I wept once more. I stared as my blood stained my apparel and the spear. I tried to hold out as long as I could, but the pain was starting to subside, which I knew wasn't a good indication because my mother was a nurse. I pinched myself and realized It was a lost cause. I didn't feel anything. When I looked at my ring, I noticed that the red had devoured the black, and the ring was now totally blinking red. I tried to concentrate on the blinking, but my vision was becoming fuzzy, and I realized I wasn't going to survive much longer. My blood splattered on the dusty surface of the ground. With my final ounces of vitality, I took my finger and scrawled a message in my own blood.

I drug my finger through the wine-colored mud, heaving, trying to leave my dying, sappy words of love and encouragement for Lucian. The blood flooded my mouth and I coughed intensively as I scribbled my note. The crimson mud read: "Whatever you do, always remember i love you. Isabelle."

My exhaustion was increasing, and my blood was still suffocating me. My ring flickered red before shattering into a million tiny, fine pieces that landed next my note, exactly like in a movie.


My ring snapped, and I went black. Bella. Time stood still. She was in serious trouble. I had to abandon this war. It wasn't too late. "Where do you think you're going?" Michael's weapon collided with my trident. "That pitchfork of yours isn't going to save you, dear brother," he mocked. I couldn't stay here and play any longer; I had to find my love.

"Not now, brother," my rage grew, and I flung away my weapon. I seized Michael's sword and hand in his confusion. "I have to save her now." As I held his hand, he hissed. He tried to fight back, but it was futile. I didn't blink at Michael until he fell to his knees. The cliff was calling to me, so I stretched my wings and flew there without thinking.

It was a truly horrid sight. "No," I pleaded. "Father, no," I couldn't believe what I was seeing. "Please, don't let this be true." Belle had no life. As I approached her, I shivered with fear. Her blood was still trickling, and her soiled hair swayed gracefully in the breeze. She'd been pierced through the stomach with a spear. The pungent stench of her blood filled my nostrils, and the sight of her lifeless body made me sick to my stomach. I wiped my tears away and brought my palm up to her face, moving her hair.

Her mouth was spewed with blood. I burst into tears at the sight of the lovely words she had written for me. I hugged her tightly to my chest. "Stop this madness now, Father!" I shouted. I withdrew the spear from her stomach and took her into my arms. "Father," I wailed. "Father!" my voice rang out across the land. "Come now, Father," I roared.

Great lightning and thunder boomed through the skies. I was certain he had heard me. "Father," I exclaimed as lightning rods struck me repeatedly. I warned her that it wasn't safe here. How could she possibly disobey me? The heavens cracked and split in two, and lightning struck the earth, encompassing it with God's holy light, his love. Everyone, both angel and demon, stopped fighting to witness this once-in-a-lifetime event. My father, God, descended from his pristine throne to care for his most rebellious son, the first fallen angel.

"I shall save her for you, my beloved son," my father said, holding out his hand. I snatched it without hesitation. Whatever it takes to save Bella.

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