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Chapter Three: New Friendships

Lucian's POV

She thinks I'm a stalker, huh? I can't believe it. I realize why I'm not a good guy now. Every time I try to do something good, it always backfires. Every single time.

I admit she is pretty. When I bumped into her the first time, she seemed familiar. Maybe I knew her in another lifetime? That's a stretch. I remember everyone I've met.

Her aura is so unique. I can tell she's a good girl, but there's something that attracts me to her. For father's sake, she isn't even my type. I like the seductress type; I like for someone to cause mischief so I can reprimand them. I can tell she's not like that and that's why I can't understand my attraction to her.

She does have curves and she's pretty, but she's not my type. Have I ever dated a girl with dimples before? I don't know. I probably never cared. She has dimples and they're beautiful. Beautiful? What am I saying?

I mean she's not a blonde or the brunette type I like. She has long, curly sandy brown hair and a baby face paired with chubby cheeks. She doesn't fit the seductress type at all. She has chocolate brown eyes and a small beauty mole on the edge of the left side of her soft, brown cheek. She did have perfect teeth though.

I don't discriminate when it comes to women but she was a little shorter than what I bargained for and I still don't get how I'm attracted to her. I wonder if it's the whole "opposites attract" ideology. I mean I stood past six feet and I think she was barely five.

Oh well. It doesn't really matter. I'm not tryin to date her. The nerve of her! To think that I'm a stalker. Pshh. I've never stalked anyone. If anything, they stalk me. Why am I so angry?

I must be frustrated. Yes! That's it. Nothing's been satisfying me lately. I don't know why but these past few years have been dull. I finally decided to take a vacation and hopped through a random portal that led me to Austin Gray High School and I just so happened to bump into a subtle girl like her.

If she's so subtle, then why are you still thinking about her? Shut up conscience, I don't know. I just need to breathe, that's all. I'm a sucker for blue eyes; I've never been a fan of brown eyes. But this girl.. she attracts me for some reason. This must be one of my father's biddings. He never leaves me be. Ugh!

I still can't get over the fact that she had the audacity to actually call me a stalker and insinuate that I'm a kidnapper. The look on her face when I returned her ID was hilarious, but I mean what kind of name is Isabelle? Sounds prissy. I prefer dark names such as Kendra or Chrystal, anything that makes me purr. Isabelle doesn't make me purr.

I just have to stop thinking. I can't let it infuriate me any further. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. Repeat. That's it. Mind officially cleared now. I'm okay.

I have to go shopping and buy new clothes. The attire I own now doesn't fit well for a teenager around here. No one wears suits to school. I can't believe I'm living the teenage dream. High school is literally another hell; I don't know why I bothered.
Because it's fun, duh! Yes, brain, you're absolutely right. It will be fun.

I just hate the boy act I'll have to put on. At least, there are girls. I can't wait to raise hell at Austin Gray.

•Isabelle's POV•
the next day

I hate the fact that I have to apologize to that new kid. I had to find Jennifer and tell her about it. That's the first thing that came to mind when I awoke this morning.

I shut my alarm off at 6 and three quarters. I went to bathroom and washed my face, showered and brushed my teeth. I packed my backpack; I put my clothes on for the day, headed downstairs and greeted my parents.

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