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The chirped melody of the gay birds complemented the radiant warmth of sunshine dancing on my face as it snuck its way through the rumpled curtains. The cool pillow and the cozy comforter beckoned me to stay put. I rolled around a little in the comforter for a few seconds, "Too comfy," I groaned with closed eyes.

My sixth sense told me to open my eyes because never had my bed ever been this warm. I hesitantly opened my eyes and I'd be damned. I screamed, hurriedly jumping out of bed.

"Easy angel, it's just me," A familiar husky voice came from under the covers. The covers unfurled a golden eyed boy with crazy bedhead who was sleepily unleashing a yawn.

I was hysterical, "Lucian what the fuck are you doing here?"

"Nice of you to scream before letting a man stretch," Lucian snided.

"Get the fuck out," I demanded, crudely pointing towards my door.

"Before you start screaming, you should cover up. But hey, I think it's nice to have a glorious body to wake up to. It's every man's dream," he whistled.

That's when I realized.. --the moment my brain put it all together-- I was naked. I wasn't feeling a nice breeze for nothing, huh' I thought to myself.

There was no need in being shy. He'd seen it and slept it with it. Oh my god.. slept with it? "Did we--"

"No," he answered, "Trust me, you'd know if I was down there. You wouldn't be able to move," Lucian smirked proudly.

There was still no need to be shy. I glanced at the clock. "I want you out," I said as I walked past him to the bathroom. Taking one last look in the mirror, I shut the door and approached my nightstand for medicine. Luckily there was medicine and a cup of water already waiting for me. Must have been him.

Taking the stairs two at a time, I dashed into the kitchen for breakfast and quickly bid my see you laters, locking the door on my way out. The cool breeze snaked its way through my hair and soon enough, I arrived at school. Colors and faces flashes everywhere but the lockers were my destination, per usual.

Noelle, Rick, Jen and the rest of the gang piled at Jen's locker. "It's Friday." they all buzzed in excitement. They all talked simultaneously; it was hard to believe i actually kept up.

Just as the crowd vaporized, lucian appeared; he gave me a once-over then a nod right after. "I see you're in one piece. Glad you didn't get hit by a bus."

"Glad you can crack a joke early in the morning. Thanks for the medicine," I said. I stood there, uncertain if I really ask. I opened my mouth, "H--".

"Today," Lucian said, cutting me off. "We're going out today. Dress comfortably." He slammed his locker and walked away nonchalantly. The last bell of the day rang finally, dismissing us to temporary freedom.

My walk was speedy. I hosted a gathering with my friends for a while before they all left to go to camping. I didn't trust the idea at all, so I never even gave it a thought when they asked.

A knock brought me to the door. It couldn't have been anyone but Lucian. And sure enough when I opened the door, he was there.

"Nice slacks," I greeted him.

"Whoa," I said as I tripped down the step; fortunately, Lucian caught me by the hand.

"Still hungover?" Lucian teased.
"Maybe a little," I admitted.

Lucian led me down the steps carefully and didn't let me go. At some point, they were even intertwined. He coughed when he caught a look at our hands, thereafter letting go to open the door for me.

He slid in the car and we took off. It felt smooth. Talking to him wasn't bad anymore. We were enveloped in cheerful conversation while I searched the radio for a station.
"There's nothing on," I said dejectedly.
"Just like you this morning," Lucian jested.

I gasped, "How did I end up naked anyway?"

"Well for one, you were drunk," Lucian explained, "You started throwing up and your friends weren't ready to go home so I took you home. But when we got up to your room, you decided you were hot and that you wanted to strip. I insisted you keep your clothes on," He swore.

"I tried shoving a tee on you and you did a weird move to evade me," he shook his head in remembrance, "Anyway you fell multiple times before reaching the bed. You were quiet for a minute so I thought you passed out but you begged me to cuddle. You didn't want to negotiate with me at all so I slept under the cover fully clothed. I swear we didn't do anything," he finished.

"Oh my god," I said in shame. "Let's just forget about it." God, I hope that's all I did. "This is why I don't play party games with Jen."

"You were out of it," Lucian said as he slid the key out of the ignition.
"Thanks for staying; for making sure I was okay. Means a lot."
He nodded.

Lucian held the door open for me as we headed inside the building.

"I found out you have a passion for nature," he teased.
"So that wasn't a dream," I said in realization, but I continued, "You got to admit it was beautiful."
He laughed, "You were just drunk."

"Maybe you were the drunk one," I argued. "No way you didn't think it was beautiful."

"Maybe I wasn't looking," he defended himself.
I scoffed, "Oh, yeah? What else was there to look at?"

He paid for our gear and time. I went in first and Lucian came a few minutes after. I went to a corner and waited for him to shout.

"Ready," we yelled after one another. At first I was winning, but later he shot me so many times; I was desperate to even the score more.

I snuck up behind him and aimed at his back and fired.
"Bold of you," Lucian said as our guns shut off.

"You know you like it," I said smugly as I retreated to the exit.

Lucian's Kryptonite Where stories live. Discover now