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I stood in line behind my classmates, watching and waiting as the line got shorter. The counselor called my name, "Isabelle Milani Smith." I proudly graced the stage with an unfading smile, ready to shake hands and pose with my diploma.

The camera flashed and I walked back to my seat. It was just like we have practiced earlier this morning. I was glad everything went smooth.

After a speech from Noelle and Mardrid, we were finally instructed to toss our caps into the air.


"Honey, we're so proud of you," my mom planted many kisses to my cheek.
"Okay mom," I tried to get away. "You're embarrassing me."

"I'm sorry," she sulked. "Do you like the party? I tried my best."
"Yes, it's the best," I beamed. "I can't believe you surprised me."
"Your dad will be here soon. He said he had something special for you," my mom shared.

"Is it a car?" I asked.
"No," she frowned, "but I'm sure you'll love it." My mom wandered off to the refreshment table, replacing food and refilling glasses.

Some of these people were just neighbors from the block. Some were my classmates and some were family.

I looked at the gift table, wondering what my dad would drag in.

"Are we not good enough for you?" Jennifer saw me glance at my presents. "I wish my parents threw me a party every time I accomplished something."

I hugged her. "It's okay Periwinkle. This can be your party too."
"No way," she refused. "This is for you. And that way, I can still ditch whenever I want."

"That's all you think about," I laughed as I poked her in the sides. "Maybe your parents knew you'd ditch so they decided a long time ago to never ever throw you another party."

"What? How would you know?"

I recalled, "Jen on your twelfth birthday, we totally ditched your party. Remember we ran through the whole neighborhood chasing each other with fake knives, making your neighbors come outside. They started screaming for your parents because they couldn't catch us."

"I totally remember that," she burst into a fit of laughter. "Thank god I have you." She wiped a tear from her eye, trying not to smudge her makeup. "They called the cops on us only to look like fools in the end."
"Yeah but you totally got grounded that day. On your birthday for goodness sake."
"It was worth it," she shrugged. "Why did nothing ever happen to you?"
"Because my parents are awesome. They are gentle," I answered.
"I'd trade anyday. Just say the word," Jennifer was entirely serious.

The door swung open for my dad who was carrying a litter of things. My mom rushed to door to help him. "Sweetheart, congratulations!" My dad hugged me. "All of this is for you."

From the size of the box he carried in, I could tell it was exactly what I had been asking for a while now. "Dad, please tell me you didn't buy me a new flatscreen tv?" I began to squeal.

"I did," he said.
"Yay!" I couldn't contain my excitement. "Thanks dad!" I didn't care about my lipstick and proceeded to give my dad a honest peck that left traces of my makeup behind on his stubby cheek.
"What's a dad for?" He smiled. He laid the rest of the presents on my graduation table.
"You're the best," I gave him another hug.

"Alright, kiddo. Enjoy," my dad excused himself to the food table.

Noelle approached me in his absence. "I can't say I blame him. Your mom makes the best nachos," she said as we laughed at my dad. "I cant laugh too hard. I'm also on the way to get more nachos," she waved her plate. "This is great. So good to be celebrated."

"You're always celebrated. You're an angel," I argued.

"Speaking of angels, a hot, fallen one is approaching," she silently excused herself as I spun my head around to see Lucian stalking towards me.

"Thank you," I looked back to a vanished Noelle next to my dad, filling her plate with nachos and other entrees. I shook my head in laughter.

"Who are you talking to?" Lucian asked.
"You now," I kissed him.
"Good. I have a present for you," he shared.
"Is it a gift card? Or a bookshelf? Or did you get me the limited edition books?" I couldn't contain my excitement as I squealed about jumping up and down trying to guess what he got me.

"Maybe you'll have to go outside and see," Lucian urged.
I gasped. "No, you didn't."
"Maybe I did," he teased.

I ran outside, leaving the door open as I dashed to the street.

Tears brimmed my eyes. "Lucian, you didn't." I fanned my tears. "My makeup," I couldn't stop the tears as he hugged me.

"All yours princess," he kissed me on my forehead before handing a set of keys.
"I don't think I say it enough. You're genuinely the best," I thanked him.
"Go take yourself for a ride! Go have fun with your friends," he encouraged.
"Thank you, thank you thank you," I kissed him. I jogged back inside, notifying Noelle that I had a new car. I tried to find Jen, but when I realized Jason was also missing, I let it be. I dragged Noelle outside to see my car.

I cranked the car, excited to drive around the block. "I know this is bad timing, but we have a rift to close." Noelle notified me.
"Like right now?" I panicked.
"It won't take long."
"How the hell am I supposed to fight?" I questioned her.
She had the answer to every thing. She pulled a dagger from her bag. "Use this. Imagine it's a video game. Dodge and stab. You got this," she tried to cheer me on.
"I don't got this," I cried.
"Devil boy will be there so don't worry too much. You know he'll save you."

Lucian mumbled words as we fought, some ancient words to close the hole. Noelle fought 6 demons and I only defeated one. It was by pure luck; it dashed toward me and I just stuck the dagger in its neck. The demon fell to the ground and turned to ashes soon after.

"Good job," Lucian congratulated me.
"Thank you," I accepted.
"Enough lovebirds. Time for a night on the town. Sorry devil, she's mine tonight. Hope you learned to share in hell," Noelle teased. "Let's go home so we can get out of these clothes!"

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