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*Part five of chapter 19: Devil's Corner
(Chapter will be long because it is the last part of chapter 19)
-video above: Van Halen- runnin with the devil

*I know he's not black but I wanted a devil song somewhere in this book.. I mean this book does contain the word "devil" so it only makes sense that there's a song about him somewhere in here.*

Isabelle's POV

"You have to finish the story," I demanded.
"Why are you so interested?" He asked.
"Because I love a good story," I smiled.
"If you say so," he shrugged.

We walked over to the park bench and took a seat.

He began to tell the story again, "He walked over to Lucille and George and demanded they get up. After his demand, they stood up and another demon climbed through the portal and knelt once she exited the hole. She was dressed in leather all over and her horns weren't black like the other demon; instead, they were orange. The devil proceeded to stare at Lucille & George; they cowered in his presence and were tongue tied. They couldn't even utter a mere sound," he added, "I bet you can't tell me what happened next."

"Did he kill them?" I asked
"Did he make them kneel and kiss his shoes?"

"Then tell me already!" I demanded.
"He smiled at them," he said.

"This is better than a book. Keep going," I said.

"I have to go, little lady. It's already late. If I ever see you again, I promise to tell you the rest. Please, watch where you walk from now on. Have a good night," Lucky said.

He paused, "But before I go, what happened to your neck? I feel like we're close enough for you to tell me."

"Grim reaper," I shrugged.
He laughed in return.

He stood up and gave me one last glance before he walked away from the park, leaving me to sit alone at the park bench.

Damn him! I wanted to hear how that story ended. I wondered if he was just making it up and was tugging my strings. I looked at the barely moving swings and headed over to them.

I sat in the swing and pushed myself slightly. Now that I was close to home, I was in no rush to get there. I was lost in my thoughts tonight; too lost to notice someone else's presence.




Lucian's POV

I walked towards my locker only to see Isabelle blocking it, once again. She appeared to be arguing with her friend, so I eavesdropped.

"I know and I'm extremely sorry," said her friend.

"You should be!" Isabelle exclaimed.

And with that, she stomped off but not before she received a burning tap from me.

She spoke before I could, "What? It's your locker, I get it! I was already moving."

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