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Chapter 25: Go out with Me

Isabelle's POV

I was late. Of course, it was to be expected, but I never knew I was that late. I didn't even hear the bell ring for second period.

I walked into Ms. Ligher's English class and all eyes were on me. I hated that. Why can't someone just walk in and not be stared at by the entire class? It's so awkward.

"Nice of you to join us, Miss. Smith," she said to me as I walked toward her with my tardy slip.

"I know right. Had a rough morning, Ms Ligher," I emphasized the Miss just as she did.

"Hmph," she blew a breath out of her nose, "Have a seat, please."

"I was about to. Did you want me to stand?" I snapped.

"I don't know what's gotten into you, but I will send you to the office," she threatened.

"Look, lady, today isn't my best day. Don't test me," I warned her as I sat down.

She didn't say anything else, but cleared her throat instead and decided to move on with the lesson at hand. Apparently, we were reading To Kill a Mockingbird.

I put my head down; I was tired. So near dreamland, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"What do you want?" I asked, not bothering to look up.

I felt hot breath against my ear, "You were beginning to snore, so I thought I should let you know so you won't disrupt the class."

Unbothered, I replied, "Oh? Thanks for being such a considerate classmate."

"What's your deal anyway? Why are you so tired? Been up all night with your lover boy & traitorous best friend?"

"You know, for someone who I thought hated my guts, you're sure talking an earful," I said.

"I've never once said that I hated you.. or your guts. I actually enjoy your company sometimes, believe it or not. If I didn't like you to an extent, I wouldn't have cared about you getting home last night or any other previous time. The least you could do is be appreciative of my efforts. I even tried helping you out when it came to your love life & your friend. You're ungrateful," he ranted.

I sat up and turned toward him, biting the inside of my cheek as I thought about how I'd formulate my next set of sentences.

"Asshole," was all I could muster. And for some reason, it came out louder than I intended.

"Miss Smith!" The teacher gasped at my colorful language.

I grabbed my backpack and walked out of the class, slamming the door as I exited. Absorbed in nothing but my thoughts, I went to my favorite restroom. I entered and went in my favorite stall. I pulled my pants down and discovered the reason behind my mood today.

Damn Mother Nature. Glad I decided to wear something extra today.

Today of all days. I grunted as I reached into the hidden part of my backpack to pull out a pad. Ripping open the package and discarding of the paper, I placed the pad on. Soon after, I heard the door swing to the restroom swing open.

That's weird. No one ever uses this stall. That's when I looked down and saw the expensive shoes.

"Get out of the damn restroom, Lucian!"

"No! Who do you think you are? Talking to me that way and then storming off, thinking you'll get the last word. If I wasn't so bent on being a good guy while I was here, you'd definitely be somewhere yelling for your mom & dad to save you," he said to me.

"Look, Lucian, I'm sorry. Today isn't my day," I zipped my pants and emerged from the stall. I walked to the faucet and washed my hands as Lucian stared at me.

"Are you just going to stare?" I asked.
"I was waiting for a better apology," he shrugged.

"A better apology?"
"Yes. A sincere one might be nice," he suggested.

"Ha! You're funny," I ripped the paper towel from the dispenser and dried my hands. "I already said sorry."

"You said sorry, yes, but what are you sorry for? A good apology includes the suggestion of being sorry, the action of why you're sorry, & possibly what made you commit the action to be sorry in the first place," he explained.

"Okay, Lucian, sorry for calling you an asshole even though it's true. You happy now?"

He chuckled as his eyes flashed a dangerous shade of green, "I think I'd enjoy hearing you scream."

"So you're a weird asshole," I said in a shaky voice.

"I don't think so. I think I'm really close to"— he was cut off because someone walked in.

"Oh! Oh.." she dragged the oh out as long as possible, "I knew you had it in you, Belle. Behind the innocent act is a slut. I've always known that you were lying about being a virgin. There's no way Jason would want a unpopular, inexperienced virgin. So you went after the new guy, huh? You're two-timing! Damn, Belle."

"Who is she?" Lucian asked me.

"The one & only Tina Ford. Head of the cheer squad, Jen's former friend and current rival. Top tier slut of the school," I answered.

"Say that again! I dare you!" Tina warned.

"Are you supposed to scare me? I'll repeat everything I just said, but I'll emphasize my favorite part of my last sentence. You're the top tier slut of the school," I repeated myself.

She growled at me and then had an epiphany. She turned toward Lucian, "Why'd you choose that? You're handsome as fuck and I can tell that you're rich. You don't want that; you want someone like me. You don't want a virgin. She doesn't know anything; she can't please you. Unless, she's already pleased you and that's why you're here with her. I don't think I'm the top tier slut anymore."

Lucian tucked his hands into his pockets as he stepped forward in her direction. She gave him a seductive smile, but it soon turned into a frown. I couldn't hear anything being exchanged between the two, but when she scrambled out of the restroom, she looked horrified.

"What did you say to her?" I asked Lucian.

"Nothing important. She won't bother you anymore. You shouldn't care about what they say about you," he replied.

"Kinda embarrassing that you had to be here for that. It isn't uncommon for me to be approached like that. It doesn't bother me as much, but it's more annoying than anything."

He nodded. "Go out with me."

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