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"Everyone say cheese," Mr. Spay clicked the camera, the flash capturing the smiles on our faces at the end of our senior trip. "I've had a wonderful year with this group. Throughout the fighting, teenage angst, hormonal decisions, and boy trouble, I still wouldn't change a thing. I know you all have a wonderful future ahead of you and I hope you enjoy life's journey there." We cheered for our principal as we boarded the bus with our baggage.

I found the back of the bus, sliding next to Lucian. "Look," I took the photos of us out of my memory box and brought them up to the light. "Don't we look great together?"

He smiled, giving me a simple yes. "Not big on words today," I teased. "I enjoyed the trip. It was over too quick."

Lucian replied, "Time always flies when you're having fun," he gently caressed the love bite from the previous night on my thigh. I blushed in silence as he turned his head to the window to watch the scenery pass us by in a blink outside.

"You know you haven't been talking as much since.. since then," I trailed. "If it's because of what I did, I'm sorry. I don't know how many," his hand covered my mouth, telling me be quiet.

Lucian blew a sigh before removing his hand. "It has nothing to do with you."
"You're a terrible liar," I said now realizing why he didn't lie.

"Fine," he gave in. He told me of his trial, being judged by angels— how the angels took some of his power and gave it to God. "They gave me these conditions to put the world back in balance within a year," he finished explaining.

I gasped. "That's not a lot of time."
"It's enough. If it isn't, I wouldn't care," he gave a honest shrug. "The world could fall into shambles and burn, I'd be okay as long as you're by my side when we turn to ashes."

I couldn't help the upturn of my lips at his endearing statement. "Are you ready for graduation?"

He gave me a smirk, as if I was being clueless. "What?" I questioned.

"Nothing. I'm very excited to see you walk across that stage. It's all you've been blabbering about since I've met you. I hope it's everything you wished for and more."

"Thank you," I kissed his cheek.
"Want a gift?" He asked.
"Depends," I answered with my usual answer.
"This would definitely make your life better," he said before I could finish my sentence.
"Okay," I agreed. "I'll accept the gift."

"Good. I was going to give you a gift anyway, regardless if you accepted it."
"Then why ask?" I laughed.
"Amusement," he said plainly. "I have a surprise for you too but that comes later."
"I don't need much. Keep your expensive gifts that I'd probably break anyway," I referenced my clumsiness.
"It'll be fine. Nothing such as clumsiness could damage to this," Lucian reassured me. "Wake me when we make it."

I tapped Noelle who was seated across from us to the left. "How does this thing go? I saw you."

She glanced at our surroundings, making sure Jennifer and the others weren't listening but they were too absorbed in their own worlds to notice us two whispering. "I'm a worldly angel. I have many assignments, whatever He dictates. All the battle angels were called to the fight in Heaven. You didn't even see all of us, only the ones God wanted there."

"But you're here now," I was confused.
"I have a life," Noelle laughed. "I have assignments."

"What's the assignment?" I asked. She gazed at Lucian then me.
"Oh," I understood.
"Yea. I've been tasked with helping close the and seal the rifts for a year or until he completes the conditions placed by the Throne," she finished.

"Angels," I said.

"Powerful, ancient angels," she corrected. "They don't look like us. They are something we cannot begin to understand. They cast judgement in God's place, keeping everything as it should. They come from the first triad whereas I come from the third, borne to watch and interact with humans and guide them to a path of God."

"Wow, there's a million of you. Even children. And I must say, I can still remember their voices. It's like their serenade constant burns into my heart. I feel like I could float every time I think of them," I reminisced.

"Ah, the choir!" Noelle clarified. "Yes how beautiful. Their melodies are filled with holy magic, god's love. The song is harmful to demons;  The tempo and volume determine the damage dealt."

"What's God like?" I asked.
"Full of love and warmth. Full of forgiveness and hope. It's nothing but the simplest thing, yet it's everything and all you'll ever need."

I looked to Lucian, who was asleep with his head against the window. I decided to scoot to Noelle's seat. "Is it bad that I love Lucian?"

She laughed. "Really? That's why you scooted over here?"
"But," I started.

"No," she stopped me. "God has plans for everyone. They might not be able to see it, but he does. I know him as Satan, the very creation of evil, but you know him as Lucian, the fallen angel." She clasped our hands together. "You were God's plan for Lucian. God sees everything, everyone. He doesn't forsake anyone, He openly loves and adores and stands by your free will. He loves all even if they don't love or acknowledge Him, even in their anger, He still extends His hand. It's our decision whether we accept his love or not."

"So what happens if the rifts aren't closed?"
She hesitated before answering me. "Did he not tell you anything?"

"He said they gave him conditions," I rolled my eyes in remembrance. "It has everything to do with me, doesn't it?"

"He has to make a decision about you, but I'm sure you already know his answer. He loves you just as much as you love him, if not more. We'll close the rifts. It won't come," she stopped herself. "There won't be anything to worry about. Just prepare yourself."

"It won't come to what?" My eyes bulged.
"Your death."
"I'm tired of dying," I whined, "I just got back to this life. What is with them up there? Does me dying amuse them?"
"No," she giggled. "Nothing like that. Sometimes bad things happen. You just need to focus on Lucian and how you're going to help send demons and castaway fallen angels back to their homes."

"I'm going to fight?" My mouth dropped.
"Help fight, yes. Just until the balance is restored."

"Ugh," I groaned.

Lucian's Kryptonite Where stories live. Discover now