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Part 2


The radiating warmth spreading across my chest made this feel like heaven. But comfort never lasts long. "Too comfy," I heard.
Shrills and shrieks —as high as they could be—invaded my eardrums, making my eyes jump open. I'm not a morning person so before I could even process, I heard her scream " What the fuck?"

"Easy, it's just me," I said once I remembered everything from the previous night. I quickly donned my tee while she was standing there naked.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" She yelled.
Ugh. Why so loud? "Nice of you to shout so early in the fucking morning." I replied while rolling out from the underneath the cover. I reached for my shoes.

"Whatever, get out!"

"You know, it's so nice of you to ruin someone's peace shouting so loud in the morning. Why don't you put on clothes then shout?" I asked seriously. But it was too late. I'd already said it.

I could tell by the way she looked down at herself that she didn't even notice.

I tried to save face. "For what it's worth, your body is gorgeous. It's every man's dream to wake up next to a beautiful, naked woman."
"For what it's worth?" she questioned. "Oh my god.. did we—?"

"No," I stated, "If I were down there love, you wouldn't be moving right now," I assured her as I put my left shoe on.

"I want you out," she finally ceded and walked past to her bathroom quarters. The wind carried her vanilla cream scent to me before she closed the doors. I figured it was best to leave anyway. I was still tired. Though she woke up screaming, I still decided it be a gentleman to the lady, so I left her another dose of medicine on her nightstand.

A part of me wondered if she would even remember anything about last night. I didn't bother taking the human route this morning. I teleported to my home for a quick shower and a change of clothes. I went back for my car and drove to that hideous building of education.

First was a meet up with some of the demons I'd previously let loose. They gave me all the information they knew before vanishing and scurrying off back to their missions.

Inside, I saw Belle surrounded by so many people. It's funny. The one person I tease the most is the person I'm happy for. Happy to see her grow.

Hmmm.. happy. That birdbrain gets me to feel things & I hate that but I know I can't stay away. I fail horribly every time.

Time was ticking and I didn't want to interrupt all the fun her group was having. I went to my locker when the crowd faded. She was still there of course.

"Glad you didn't get hit by a bus." I said.
"Glad you can make jokes," she replied. She stood there, donning hesitance, wondering if she should actually say what she wanted. "H— "

"Today," I interrupted, "Just dress comfortably." I slammed my locker shut and walked away. The day sped by. It was everyone's favorite day.

I went to Isabelle's house to pick her up.
"Nice slacks," she greeted me. Something told me she was still hungover. I caught her from tripping down the stairs. For some reason, I didn't let her hand go until we reached the car. I looked and they were intertwined. I didn't even feel that happen. I opened her door for her and climbed in thereafter.

She flipped through the radio channels dejectedly, "There's nothing on."

I couldn't help myself, "Just like you this morning."
"Oh my god," she gasped, "how did I end up naked anyway?"

I tried to explain and she just covered her face and hid behind her hands. We just laughed it off.

She playfully begged, "Can we just forget about last night? This is why I don't play party games."

"Seriously though, thanks for staying. Means a lot to me." She offered her thanks.
"No problem. Plus I learned you have a passion for nature," I teased.

"So that wasn't a dream?" She questioned.
"Nope." I replied.
"Then you have to admit it was beautiful."
"Pretty sure you were just drunk," I commented.
"Maybe you were the drunk one," she stated.
"Maybe I wasn't looking," I countered.
"What else was there to look at?" She questioned.

I didn't answer and instead, we went inside to shoot paintball. I paid for everything we needed. I was a beast in these things but she didn't give in. She got her revenge toward me at the end.

She snuck up behind me and got her final shot before time was up.
"How bold," I nodded at her.
"You know you like it," she said smugly, rolling her eyes as we exited the shooting room.

We returned our gear and went to our next adventure across the street. There was a go kart course over there and I just knew she'd love it.

I paid for as many times as she wanted. The thrill never left her face for even a second. The wind was my savior these days. It blew her scent to me even now.

Her scent, her laugh, her enjoyment— They were the only things I was focused on. By the time we finished, it was dark. Her smile never faded.

"That was awesome!" she shouted.
"I can see that. I should just buy you your own go kart course," I joked.
"That'd be even more awesome, but I couldn't even accept. Everyone would question where I got it," she frowned.
I immediately turned her frown back into a smile with my fingers. "No sad faces," I said as I mushed her cheeks together.

"So weird," she said to me when I released her face while touching her face.
"How about your favorite to end the night?" I asked.
"Ice cream?" She asked.
I nodded.
She jumped to her delight. "You spoil me too much."
"Should I stop?" I asked.
She was quiet for a second. Was she actually considering that?
"No. YOLO," she shrugged, "Race you to the car," she said while getting a head start .

"That's cheating!" I laughed.
"So what? I need a handicap" her voice was further away now and was now harder to hear. If she wanted a race, I'd definitely give her one.

I teleported inside the car and waited on her to get there. As soon as she opened the door she saw me seated inside with my hand on the ignition.
"No fair," she said in between breaths.
"Says the lady who cheated," I rose a brow. "Get in."

She happily indulged me and couldn't stop bouncing in the car on the way to get ice cream. She reminded me of a little kid sometimes.

We sat on the bench, enjoying our dessert.
"You have ice cream on your nose," she said. She wiped the ice cream off of me before I could.
"No prob."
We ate in silence watching the passersby come and go with their ice cream and milkshakes.
"You know, earlier when you asked what else was there to look at?"
"Yeah so what?" She never took her eyes off of her ice cream.
I stated truthfully, "You intrigue me."
"What does that mean?" She eyed me.
"It means you should finish that ice cream so I can get you home."
"Fine." She quickly finished her ice cream and threw our trash away. I waited for her at the car.

The car ride was too silent for my liking. But it didn't seem to bother her. She let the windows down, inviting the wind to snake into her hair, aligning her curly brown mass with this force of nature.

I pulled a little ways down from her house to not cause panic. I walked her home, hand in hand, all the way to her front door. I didn't want to let go but I had to.

"Goodnight," I said. I made it down the steps before she finally said something.
"What is this Luce? What are we doing?" She asked.
"You're enjoying life, that's all." I said with my back turned. " Good night, Bella."

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