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Lucian and his wife had just welcomed their beautiful son into the world. Exhausted and overwhelmed, Lucian knew he had to take advantage of this special moment. He looked into his wife's eyes and quietly said, "I figure now is a good time as any." She looked back at him confused, until he pulled out a small box and opened it, revealing a sparkling diamond ring.

His wife was too exhausted to be surprised, but she happily accepted his proposal. "Yes, a thousand times over." Lucian gave her a sweet kiss.

Ares was sound asleep; he had been fed and changed and was quietly occupying his crib.

"How are we going to ..?" She began to voice her worries but Lucian hushed her. "You're too pretty to be worried, love. Rest," She succumbed in bliss as she drifted off to sleep, still wearing the bedazzling ring on her finger.

Lucian watched in awe as they slept; the way their noses curled and how they looked so innocent, he could tell Ares was borne from her. He was so in love with their little one, and he knew that being with his family, he would be surrounded by love. He finally felt complete. He couldn't help but to give Isabelle a few, gentle adequate kisses so as to not wake her. He had seen her be a soldier earlier and he knew she needed rest.

Over the next few months, we became acquainted with a balanced routine that allowed her to still attend her college classes and be a mom. When Ares was able to roll around and crawl, we would go back home and wait until her classes were over before we bothered her.

"What about the wedding?" She bit her lip.
"Taken care of." Lucian hummed.
"Everything is just so suave with you. I'll never get used to that."
Lucian snuggled closer to Bella as they observed Ares, who was crawling on the floor back and forth between his noisy toys that sung. "Just say the word."

"Would that finally put an end to you sneaking out at night?" She gazed at him.
"I thought I was more discrete," Lucian pursed his lips, "You don't need to fight."
"Why? I'm not complaining but wasn't I useful?"
"Yes," he kissed her forehead. "But there's no need to endanger you." He rubbed her belly.

"Good answer," she placed her hand on top of his hand and followed his motion.
"I will never put my wife or children in harm's way," Lucian declared.
"When's the wedding?" Bella asked.
"Today, tomorrow, something with a T," Lucian answered.
Bella gasped, "You're kidding."
"I'm not. I was given a year and I'm sure we're reaching the end of the term," Lucian seemed indifferent by his words.

"Even if you have to face repercussions?" Bella threw a curious expression at him.
"Fine, fine," he relented, "The twins have been bugging me nonstop to have you fitted for a dress anyway."

Bella's mouth twisted and she opened her mouth partly to express a few words, but Lucian stopped her.

"You're beautiful, the most gorgeous woman in the universe," Lucian could not stand the insecurity. To him, she was so bright that he had no choice but to take it for himself. "Your body goes through changes. It's a given especially when you're welcoming motherhood. It's a fitting so the clothes and fabrics are breathable and don't hurt you or the baby."

"Okay," Bella said before Lucian helped her stand. "I'm hungry. Can I eat before the service?"

"Anything you want love," Lucian stated.
"Can you get Ares dressed while I find a snack?" She looked to Lucian with nothing but hope in her eyes.
"Of course, enjoy your snack," Lucian emphasized snack, knowing she would find something more appetizing than a little pack of candy.


"Perfect," Amelia purred. She unraveled the measure around Bella's stomach. "We're all done."

"That's it?" Bella was surprised by the quickness of the task.
"Well to be honest, my lord will make sure the dress fits you perfectly regardless. We just make the design," Cecilia shared.
"Yea," Amelia chimed in, "have you written your vows?"
Bella was stricken with sudden panic and fear. "Written vows? Oh my god?! Where have I been? What was I thinking?"

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