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Isabelle's POV

Brad abruptly asked, "Did you know she was sleeping around on me?"

"What? No! That's preposterous. I still don't believe that Jen committed such an act," I said.

"You don't believe it, but you know she slept with Jason back in April? How come you don't believe it when it's right in front of your face? You're really naive to be so smart, Bella. Get lost," he said in an angry tone.

"Okay, angry pants. Thanks for the Ted talk," I said in a sarcastic way.

I tossed him my deuces as I heard the low whistles from other athletes. That damn Jen! She sure knew how to conjure up mess.

I went back to find Jason, but he wasn't there anymore. Entering the building once again, I decided to visit the bathroom that no one ever goes to— the one by Mr. Luis' classroom.

I barged into the bathroom only to be stunned; they gasped as I made my entrance.

"Well.. I didn't mean to interrupt. Go ahead & keep smooching," I said.

"Wait, Belle, it isn't what you think," he tried to explain.

"It's Isabelle to you now. If not what I think, then what is it? Because I clearly saw with my own two eyes that you & Jen were making out," I said.

Jason looked to Jen for help, but she only shrugged and stood there in silence.

"Jen, I can't believe you!"

"Well, I'm sorry, Bunny, but it"—

I cut her off, "Don't you dare, bitch! Don't you dare call me by that phony nickname!"

"Will you calm down?! Let me explain. It really isn't what you think. The floor is wet and I slipped; Jason caught me and our lips ended up colliding," she explained as she pointed to the puddle of water.

"Then what are you two doing in the bathroom together?" I questioned with folded arms.

It was Jason's turn to speak now, "Well after our talk, I went to my locker, but I ended up witnessing Jen get kicked off the cheer squad."

I gasped, "Really? What happened Jen?"

"I'll tell you later, I promise," Jen said, "Let him continue."

Jason cleared his throat, "She was devastated and ran all the way to this bathroom; I tried to call out to her in the hallway, but she wouldn't listen. She was crying her mascara away and she wouldn't come out or listen to anything I was saying. So I figured since no one actually cares about this bathroom, I could enter and help her out. I initially stood by the door, but then I heard her barfing and ran to her rescue, but she told me to go away in the meanest way possible so I stood by the sink. When she came out after a few minutes, her eyes were puffy and she slipped on the puddle of water. It's just as she said. We weren't making out, Bella."

I nodded slowly, taking everything in while the stared at me patiently waiting for me to come to an understanding.

"Are you two really saying that nothing went on in this bathroom?" I asked.

"Yes!" They said in unison.

"Well, okay," I hesitated, "Now's a good time as any; Jen do you have any feelings towards Jason at all?"

She shook her head, "No."

"Well then why didn't you tell me about sleeping with him sooner? Jen, being honest, you're a suckish friend. If it wasn't for you snapping at the hug with Noelle, I probably would've never known. I don't like to be made the laughingstock. Everyone knows that you two slept together now & if I go behind you to date Jason, it'll make me look like a total slut."

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