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First thing first, I awoke to the sun pouring his daily amount of morning love onto my face. Next was a shower. The evidence was transparent as my wrinkled skin flagged along.

I wrapped myself with a towel and answered Periwinkle's call from my cell.

"Be there with breakfast in 30," she said.
"Bet," I responded before she hung up.

She texted right after. "Too early to drink?"
"Nope," I popped the p aloud as I sent her a reply.

Tonight was gonna kill. I was so excited. I could feel the goodness in my toes, telling me I'd have a fun night. I'd cleaned my room and set it up in a spacious manner before my company arrived. I knew Noelle was gonna be late but she'd still show.

I exited my room and flaunted halfway down the stairs, shouting to the kitchen, "Good morning!"

"Morning kiddo!" My dad appeared and looked up at me with a smile. My mom was right behind him with a surprised and teasing face.

"Well, you haven't been like this in a long time. Must be a very good morning indeed," she finished as she wrapped her arm dad.

"I'm so excited! The girls are coming soon," I told them.

"Always a good idea to start early," mom commented. "Need anything?"

I shook my head no for an answer and told them Jen was also bringing breakfast.

My mom frowned, "I can whip something up."
I refused, "it's okay mom. I promise."

She shrugged and sauntered away; my dad gave me a thumbs up and walked away with her. The doorbell rang and I knew it was Jen.

"Hello family," Jennifer greeted us as soon as the door was halfway open. My parents returned the greeting with the same enthusiasm. We dashed to my room; my door shut and our mouths flew.

"Ahhhh! I need a shot," she pulled a travel sized bottles of liquor from her purse and took it down in one fell swig. "I got you a scrambled egg meal. With cheese how you like it."

I laughed. "I love you."
"What's so funny?" Jen laughed too.
"I love how good you're doing," I shared, "I love when you're happy. Even if you need a starter shot. It's progress."

She sat the food down and hugged me. "And I love you. I love how you've grown but you've never left me behind. You've always had my back, never doubted me. Thank you."

"Boo hoo," I teased. "No crying today." We finished the hug. "Turnt shit only."

Periwinkle took another shot. "It always shocks me when that side of you comes out. It's always unexpected." She giggled as she tossed her empty bottle into the garbage. "I wish you'd talk like this in the open."

"You wish," I unfolded the breakfast bag and laid it out. We munched quickly and I set the speaker up.
I pulled my makeup cabinet out and she also took her products from her purse.

The doorbell rang and I knew mom was gonna answer it. Noelle burst through the door with an apology.

"Let's start the magic."

We all did our own foundation but Jennifer did our contour. She was a contour goddess. We finished our makeup and started on our hair.

I chose to get my hair straightened. Noelle chose curls and Jennifer chose a wavy half-up ponytail with hanging waves.

We wrapped our hair and slid on our shoes.
"Setting spray!" Jennifer said. She sprayed our faces and fanned them before she left and went to the mall. Last minute things of course.

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