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Chapter Seventeen: Library Partner

Warning ⚠️‼️ This chapter contains profanity.

Isabelle's POV

"You have a secret admirer?" He let go of my face.
I replied, "Oh. Must not be you then. Just forget I mentioned it. We should really get going Jason."

I began walking, leaving him a little behind but he soon caught up to me and held my hand. His large hand was so warm; even though they were a tad rough, they gave me a sense of something I don't know how to describe.

We entered the library, heading for our sub to give her our tardy slips; she gave us the stink eye and told us to sit down. All eyes were on us and I couldn't help but to be frustrated. Why were they looking at us like that?

And then, I thought about it. It was more than apparent.

Guess what?

Jason was still holding my hand.

I retracted my hand from his hold which earned me a frustrated look from Jason; I shrugged it off and went to my seat. Approaching my table, Jason was right behind me.

I whispered, "What are you doing?"
"Isn't it obvious? I'm sitting with my girlfriend," he answered coolly.

I didn't bother to argue with him and just sat in my chair quietly. In the middle of class, Mrs. Willow returned; I was elated to have our sub, Mrs. Billingsley, relieved of her duty. I could've almost jumped out of my seat from joy.

"Hey, calm down. You look like a kid whose had too much candy," Jason expressed.
"Well, thank you. I'm just happy we don't have to put up with that sub," I revealed.

"Kid," he mumbled.
I teased, "What was that? Speak louder."

He looked up at me with a smile but it soon turned downward; he stared at me with hints of disgust and anguish.

"What's the matter?"
He angrily whispered, "What the hell is wrong with your neck?"

"Okay class; Listen up! Everyone partner up. Today you guys are going to complete the assignment by picking a book from the shelves and coming up with a project. You have three options: make a brochure, present a poster board; or share a visual aid, such as a slideshow," Mrs. Willow announced.

"Nothing's wrong with my neck. Will you calm down?" I shuddered and pulled my windbreaker up against my neck again.

He smacked my hand away and pried my windbreaker from my hands and neck. He wasn't shocked to see the purplish-red mark on my neck; he only stared at it.

I was inwardly screaming at his actions, but I was happy he was concerned. At the same time, I was thinking that if he didn't stop staring soon, someone would turn their attention to us. I swatted him away and resumed listening to the teacher's instructions.
Jason was silent the whole time I was listening.

I was startled by him asking, "Who?"
"Who the fuck did that you?"

A few people sitting nearby heard him and gave us their attention; I felt embarrassed.

"Will you hush? People are starting to look this way; just listen to the lesson and I'll explain later," I replied.

"No," he said calmly.
"What do you mean by that?"

He said, "I mean no; exactly what I said. Tell me who did that to you? I'll go do the same thing to them right now!" He was struggling to keep his voice at a whisper.

"Look, I'll explain later."

The teacher cleared her throat, "A-hum! Is something more important than the lesson, Jason & Isabelle? Pay attention please," she scolded us and especially shook her head at me.

I turned to Jay, "See what you did? You got me on bad terms with my favorite teacher! Apologize!"

He opened his mouth but I shushed him by putting my finger on his lips; he smiled, showing his pearly whites. He had such a boyish grin; his smile was contagious.

He then licked my fingers which caused me to pull my hand away; I glared at him, but he didn't care. While we were playing around, the class moved around to the storage room with the teacher.

Jason took this as the perfect time to kiss me on my neck, licking the marks on my neck as he went. Don't get me wrong, it felt amazing, but we were at school!

"You have to stop that. What if someone sees us? We're at school. We're missing out on the lesson because of your foolery," I giggled once he reached the right side of my neck.

"Your body is saying otherwise, but of course, I'll stop for you, princess," his voice had become husky and I just wanted to run.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were after my innocence, too. Come on; we have to catch up for our assignment," I stood up and he took my hand as we walked to where the others were.

"About time you two joined us," said my classmate named Travis.

He was a cool guy, despite being a nerd. I wouldn't call him one of my best friends but he definitely wasn't my enemy or a stranger; he was someone that stood by to watch things unfold but he always stood up for people, even if he was a nerd. He didn't even fit the nerd stereotype to me. He was a cute nerd and he could fight. Nerds can't fight; they're usually all puny and weak, and definitely not handsome, but Travis was different.

He once stood up for me back in middle school when a bunch of girls called me names; I didn't want any problems so I always ignored them, but Travis didn't like it. He told them off, insulting them along the way and rendering them speechless.

"You should stand up for yourself; don't let them call you names. Say something back," he patted my shoulder and left.
We became closer after middle school; we even hung out sometimes. We got even closer once we hit high school; we were given most of the same classes so we naturally became more than acquainted.

I teased, "Oh, Travis. Did you miss me?"

"No, but are you okay? I heard you broke up a fight. You're such a badass; I saw the video. You scared the batshit out of Alexis with your death glare. But I was a little worried when word passed that you fainted & had to be hospitalized," he confessed.

"I'm okay. Thanks for the notes and stuff by the way & you don't have to lie. I know you missed me," I teased.

"Stop it. Your boyfriend is getting angry," he pointed at Jay.

I inwardly gasped at the word 'boyfriend.' Oh well, I guess we were a thing now. I turned to Jason to see his face a little red, with his eyes closed.

"Are you okay?" I asked. I pushed us back a bit from the crowd.
"Don't openly flirt with other guys when I'm right next to you," he said.

"I wasn't flirting and for God's sake, we're holding hands. Nothing is more obvious than Travis and I being friends," I explained.

"Whatever," he replied. He took his hand from mine and folded his arms across his chest.

I laughed.
He asked, "What's so funny?"

"You're jealous. It's okay; I won't do anything anymore. Come on," I nudged him along and he took my hand again, leading us back with the crowd.

"Welcome back," Travis whispered.
"Thanks," I giggled.

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