Ep. 2

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"Mom, are you serious?" Artemis blew her luscious black hair away from her face. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Ew," Ares was still in shock. "You're old! And still.. ew." He vehemently shook his head, as if to shake away the disgusting thoughts.

Lucian scolded Ares, "Hey."
"I should've known when you were sick the other morning," Artemis said, suddenly perking up. "I bet it's a girl," Artemis clapped her hands together.

"No way!" Ares argued. "Definitely a boy." The siblings were now engaged in a friendly argument about the gender of their new sibling, completely forgetting about their initial shock.

"What a change in attitude," Bella giggled.
Ares and Artemis prodded away from the table. "Well that's one way to start off the morning."

"Mom, the kingdom is going to freak," Ares dumped his plate onto the maid's slab.

"Yeah. You have something to think and talk about all day now. Maybe you can even think of baby names."

"Really?" Artemis gasped. "Seriously?"
"Have a good day," Bella sung to them, happily watching them walk away.

Lucian rubbed circles against Bella's soft supple skin. "I was expecting more .. I don't know. More defiance?"

"I for one am glad they're enjoying it," Bella traveled up the stairs. Lucian followed closely behind her, his shadow easily overtaking hers.

Bella sat on the bed, stifling a laugh. "Did you know you get super clingy every time I'm pregnant?"

"You don't like it?"
"I love it," Bella held her arms out for him to take. Lucian knelt down, planting a quick sweet kiss to her forehead. Bella pouted, "Really? That's all I get?"

"Did you know you get more excited every time you are pregnant?" Lucian mocked her statement from earlier.

"You don't like it?"
"I love it," Lucian gave her another kiss, but this time, he knelt down a little more and gave her a generous kiss to her lips, sweeping his tongue across hers.

"That's how I got into this predicament in the first place," Bella joked, pulling him on top of her.
"There were more chains and cuffs in sight the last time," Lucian teased.
"You tricked me," she replied.
"Nothing in sight now. Doesn't seem like you mind," Lucian slid his finger under her bra strap, letting it fall down slowly before he covered her shoulders in kisses.

"Lucian, quicker," Bella whined, impatient with his pace. She was already fumbling with his pants. Her skin tingled from his breath, and she shuddered from the vibrations of his laughter.

Lucian moved toward her neck, evoking pretty groans from her the harder he sucked. "Luce," she panted. He couldn't help but smirk at her pleads, his hands roaming to play with her nipples. "I can't take it," she huffed. She pushed him up off her, but he used his power to restrain her movements. "No fair!"

"I know," he glided his tongue down her belly. Bella's body reacted, lifting her hips so he wouldn't rip her clothes. "I like these pants," she said. He slid everything off in an instant leaving her bare, parted and ready.

"Hurry," she begged, eager to feel him inside her.

But Lucian was not one to be deterred, his desire to pleasure her was consuming all rational thoughts. "Just a minute." He spread moist kisses against her thighs before diving for her bud. "Oh my.. Luce."

His tongue was magical, swirling and flicking against her sensitive flesh, sending shivers through her body. She tangled her fingers in his hair, urging him on. He moved his hand to her entrance, teasing her with his fingers before slowly sliding one inside.

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