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The flash of Lucian's smile came closer before I even had time to register what was happening. His soft, luscious lips pressed against my own and a shock ran through me. His tongue invaded my mouth, soon playing a game of domination with my own. 

The kiss was needy, but still breathtaking at its  best. His hot hands held my face gently; I could feel his pulse and mine along with his, throbbing at my core. One hand slowly snaked its way around my neck and I immediately lost control of the kiss. I was being devoured and it felt so good. 

He gave me a sweet peck before moving to my neck. I couldn't control my breathing and I could feel myself pooling while he lightly sucked on my neck  and soon his other hand was around my bottom, playing with the hem of my pants. 

"You're beautiful,' Lucian's husky voice seeped into my ear. "You smell so good."

I was so caught up that I forgot we were in public. Panicking, i tapped Lucian. "Luce, I think we should stop," I said between a moan. Wafts of his cologne invaded my nostrils, stirring my insides more.

"They can't see us," the breaths of his low voice fanned my neck.

"I still don't want to do it here, Luce." His stature retreated from my body and I watched the flame of his golden orbs die out. I felt .. somewhat disgusted with myself. I'd lost myself in lust with him. I was trying to calm my heavy breathing and fix my rumpled clothes.

He didn't other me while i fixed myself and we played a round of basketball before leaving the arcade. The day transformed into the night easily, time eluding us. We didn't address the kiss. We pretended it never happened. The ride home was smooth and as always, he walked me to the door. 

With my hand on  the knob, I gave him a charming smile, "Thank you so much for this."

"What kind of a man would I be if I didn't keep my word?" he grinned. 

"The kind of man who wouldn't have lost at basketball 5 times in a row," I quipped. "Who knows? Maybe, it could've all been avoided." 

"I let you win," he proudly stated.

"Yeah you wish that was true," I teased.

"Whatever," he gave in. 

My hand slid off the knob. I gave him all of my attention, absorbing the man in front of me; admiring how he kept his word and how we actually had a good time. I relished in the fact that I was special. My heart told me Lucian wasn't the kind of guy to be bothered with trivial things, such as a girl like me who likes childish dates; a girl who came with breakdowns. He could be anywhere else, but instead he was here seeing me off-- like the gentleman he was. 

I fancied his scar around his chin; I longed to touch, to trace it with my hand, but alas.. the night was no longer young. But I couldn't stop myself. 

I reached out, stroking the skin briefly, "What happened there?"

He was momentarily stunned, "A fight with my beloved brother. Nothing to worry about."

I gasped that his brother would do such thing to such a nice face. "That's some beloved brother you have," I commented. He nodded and proceeded with a genuine thanks. 

"Don't worry about it. I live to give a lady a good time," He waved me off. "Good night."

"Good night," I returned the farewell and slid silently into my home thereafter. The shower beckoned me but so did the idea of calling Periwinkle, I know this would make her day better after spending it with her crazy family. 


I hesitated, thinking if i actually wanted to leave her aloe for the night or if i wanted to bother her more. The taste of her lips was still on my mind and I so often licked my lips to remind myself it was real. Her brown tangle of curls bounced in the night while she made sarcastic remarks.

She gave me a bright smile as her hand grasped the doorknob. I didn't want her to go. She caught me off guard when she touched my scar. Though it was fast, I was stunned. Her soft finger rubbed across the skin. She wasn't repulsed by it and I could hear the sincerity in her voice when she asked how i got the scar. 

"My dear brother gave this to me a long time ago," I stopped the images of my brother flashing across my mind. She gave me a witty remark about my brother without overstepping. That was one of the things that fascinated me about her. 

She thanked me again and I hesitated before waving her off for the night. I bid her good night and she did the same. 

I didn't realize when I made it home. I barely remembered the shower. When my head hit the pillow, images of Isabelle formed instantly. The sweet aroma of vanilla sugar invaded my mind as I replayed her touching my scar for the millionth time tonight. That sunshine smile, the way her hair bounced with every throw of the ball, the way her eyes lit up as soon as we stepped inside of the arcade-- all of it, from her crying and laughing to her heavy breaths and the erotic way my name rolled off her tongue:  

"Luce," she moaned. Her hands ran up my neck to the back of my head, her movements matching her moans; I built a barrier around us so no one could see us anymore. The honey taste of her neck drove me insane. I've never felt like that before. I sucked harder, my hands going in different directions. Her heat emanated; she clutched my skin tighter, pulling her body closer to me as her hair tickled my nose. 

I was also caught up in the lust and I was so drunk on her smell and her moans. I tried to reassure her, but she was soon straightening her disheveled clothes and hair. Her eyes flashed me a bit of hesitancy so I didn't press any further, though she look exasperated. More rounds of meaningless basketball ensued, and yes she won, but I was too focused on the melody of her laughter to focus. 

The taste enveloped my tongue and I remembered it clearly.  Just the mere thought of her turns me on. Her face was permanently etched into my mind tonight and eventually i fell asleep with only one thing on my mind..

What do I do now?

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