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"Lovebirds," Jennifer shouted to Lucian & Isabelle. She passed through the people and the door, wiggling through the crowd to go update the group.

"She's gone with him. His suit is nice as fuck," Jennifer snatched a party cup from Jason.
Noelle shouted over the music, "Seriously! I knew he was coming. He always comes for her."

"She's hot," Tyler digressed. "Never knew she was that hot."

"She hides the ass & tits with those baggy ass clothes sometimes. Well, she hides," Jennifer laughed at her best friend as she corrected herself. "She's gotten a lot better though as you clearly see."

"Hey man, don't do anything I wouldn't do," Jason warned Tyler.
"I'm not going to do anything. She's quiet so she needs a crazy motherfucker like him," Tyler downed the rest of his beer in one swig. "I'm getting another. Want any?" He offered the group.

They all nodded yes and resumed talking in his absence. Jason lit a cigarette with one smooth flick of his lighter, stashing it in his suit pocket. He took a quick puff and walked behind Jen. He whispered to sexy nothings to her in her ear causing her to relive her schoolgirl giggles.

Noelle was in a passionate make out session with Rick. They'd slipped from the group right after Jen's announcement. She figured as long as her friend was safe, she didn't have any worries. She trusted Lucian. He's never hurt Bella.

Rick groaned through their kiss as Noelle's hands fumbled with his shirt buttons. "Babe," he warned.
"Ready to ditch this place?" Noelle asked knowingly.
He said, "You know the answer," as they rose together.

"We're leaving," Noelle and Rick announced to their group. Jennifer took a look at her phone. "But it's only 11:30," she pouted. "Why so soon?"

Jennifer looked between them. "If it's for a quick fuck, you could do it in the car," she folded her arms. Noelle rolled her eyes at Jennifer, "We can meet up tomorrow morning."

"All the lovebirds are leaving," Jennifer sighed playfully. "Have a good night. Don't have too much fun. Send our pics," they hugged each other for their goodbye.
"Of course," Noelle said. "Don't drag Jason into trouble with you tonight. And don't have too much alcohol." Noelle waved bye to Tina.

The boys said their goodbyes too; Rick & Noelle were like ants in a field. The further they moved, the smaller they got. Their receding figures were lost now but their friends knew they were okay. Horny maybe, but okay nonetheless.

Tina divulged, "I think I'm gonna go do body shots off some college sophomores. Wanna watch?" She invited her friends, but Jason & Jennifer were a pinch away from swapping faces for real, so Tyler seemed to be only one listening.

Tyler's eyes glistened. "Really? How about you take one off of me?" He flirted.
"You're on," she accepted his challenge. "Drop the tux jock and assume the position," Tina commanded. He hurriedly undid his tux and Tina took him by the hand to the kitchen table. She poured herself three shots. One down, one for him and one for his body. They downed their alcohol at the same time and he quickly laid flat on top of the marble counter. The partiers in the kitchen turned their attention towards the two, lifting their colorful party cups to cheer them on, occasionally spilling the liquids. Tina locked eyes with Tyler. She took the shot with a straight face, smirked and lick the salt off his toned abdomen then bit into her lemon. The crowd cheered nonstop. The boys chanted their dog like barks and surrounded him with pats to his shoulders & back. Tina was content with herself. She held her head high and poured herself another shot and offered some of the girls who congratulated her something to drink. Only one girl accepted and she downed the tequila in a second and thanked Tina. "You should fuck him before I do," the girl told her.

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